
  1. A

    Android Question B4XView SetBitmap

    Hi all I want to show a B4XView (button) with an icon and border. My code is Button1.SetColorAndBorder(Colors.green,2dip,Colors.Black,0dip) Button2.SetColorAndBorder(Colors.White,2dip,Colors.Black,0dip) Dim bmp As Bitmap bmp.Initialize(File.DirAssets,"rx.png")...
  2. LucaMs

    B4A Library [B4X] B4XThreeState - B4XView

    I needed something similar to StateListDrawable B4A but cross-platform (B4X). Since I was in a hurry, I settled for developing it just for the images. Obviously you can replace the 3 images (for the 3 states: ENABLED, DISABLED, PRESSED) via properties. Events: Click and LongClick. I don't...
  3. universengo

    B4J Question How to set the columns width of TableView as B4XView ?

    Hello all Pro! I have a problem with my B4J app. I use a TableView as B4XView and I use DBUtils.ExecuteTableView to load my data from *.db file. That load and show OK, but My problem is all columns have the same width. How can I fix this with another column's width? Thanks for your help! Good...
  4. A

    iOS Question Past a string with letters and numbers into Number type TextField

    Hi all - today one of my clients sent me a screenshot with an error message. I tried to reproduce it and found one unexpected result. Let's say I have a layout with 2 textfields - in my code they are B4XView. 1 - txtProvider 2 - txtProviderName txtProvider has Keyboard Type - Number_Pad...
  5. Daniel44

    Android Question How to change B4XTable Customized column value color(SOLVED)

    I have this field in a B4XTable: COLUMN = TBLTRAD.AddColumn("BESTNUMBERS",TBLTRAD.COLUMN_TYPE_TEXT) CreateCustomFormat(COLUMN) SetColumnAlignment("BESTNUMBERS",Gravity.LEFT) This column (BESTNUMBER) fetchs several number. I don't know if it's possible to change color to a mayor value inside...
  6. epiCode

    Android Question b4xview rounded corners

    I have changed my labels to b4xview for compatibility with b4j and b4i, some of the code used label.background = colordrawable. However b4xview has only color attribute (which only changes background color). I need colordrawable since it also makes the label have rounded corners. How can I...
  7. Alexander Stolte

    B4A Library [B4X] [XUI] AS Label - CrossPlatform Label

    This is a simple label view, in IOS roundings are removed when resizing or colors are not displayed properly. This can be fixed by placing a panel under the label, this view does the work for you. Just set the properties you want in the designer like in a normal label. ASLabel Author: Alexander...
  8. Xela

    Italian B4X ScrollViewInnerPanel

    Salve C'é un modo per scorrere velocemente tutti i figli (non i nipoti) in un B4x panel? nella vecchia versione usavo scrollview: For Each obj As View In svTown.panel .... .... Next Ora con la versione nuova questo non funziona: For Each obj As View In pnlTown.B4X ScrollViewInnerPanel ...
  9. LucaMs

    Android Question B4XViews base (and events)

    Trying to write an utility routine useful to move a B4XView from a B4XPage to another one, I found... a wall 😄:confused: For this routine it would be necessary to obtain the base of the B4XView and also to be able to apply a specified elevation to it (please, do not answer that BringToFront is...
  10. LucaMs

    B4J Question [Solved] B4XView - SetRotationAnimated works once only

    Simply applied to Button1 in the default B4XPages template. [Anyway it is not for me, so I'm trying to adapt the CircularProgressBar class, shamelessly copying 😁]
  11. LucaMs

    Android Question B4XView - SetBitmap - B4XBitmap

    A little bit of confusion. If I have a B4XView, its SetBitmap property (method) should require a B4XBitmap (ALSO because otherwise I don't know what I could do with a B4XBitmap), instead of:
  12. M

    Android Question .GetView(n) not work with customviews (CircularProgressBar)

    Hi everyone, i've a customlistview, with custom elements. In each element there is a CircularProgressBar, i want to incremente the value of a circularprogressbar in one element. The code to do it: Public Sub AggiornaProgress(Data() As Object) '0 = Progress Value '1 = Uploaded Files...
  13. red30

    Android Question EditText As B4XView InputType

    If I use EditText as B4XView. Can I somehow select an input type like a regular EditText?
  14. Marcos Alves

    B4J Question B4XView and Events

    Hello all, I'm creating a hybrid app and because that using always B4XViews instead of labels and platform specific resources. In some places I need to dinamically construct the layout using runtime created arrays of views like this: Dim lblPrice(itensQuant) As B4XView...
  15. A

    iOS Question [Solved] CSBuilder - MaterialIcon - doesn'twork on b4xview button/Label

    Hi All, I am sorry if this is basic question as I am trying to grasp the transition from B4A to B4I, I am trying to assign MaterialIcon or fontawesome + text using CSBuilder. Based on this link it should work with AttributedString, but can not find this when I am using b4xview (by button/label...
  16. M

    iOS Question Text and Material Icons in b4xview Buttons

    Hi everyone, my question is: It's possibile to put a combination of Matrial Icons and Text in a button declared as B4xview? I'm used to CSBuilder, but b4xview does not have the .AttributedText parameter :( Thanks in advance
  17. sdixon

    Android Question Transfer image from one B4XView to another

    i download an image and place it into a B4XView. I would also like to use the same image in another B4XView. How can I transfer the image so I don't have to download it twice? Thanks
  18. M

    Android Question B4XView has not Initialize method

    hi everyone, today i was coding an app and when a tried to use an B4Xview the app crashed because it was not initliazed, so i tried to do view.Initialize but the ide says that the method does not exist D: Thanks
  19. P

    Share My Creation Mark and Count items on an image

    I wanted to be able to count items in an image (birds in a flock). The simple logic said load an image, and then use the left mouse click to mark each item with a coloured blob. I then made it remove the last blob with a right mouse click. This simple program was a serious learning curve for...
  20. Abdou1283

    B4J Question B4XFloatTextField Font

    HI, i m using the B4XFloatTextField control in my app. i want to change the font of the hint text and the text of textField. The hint text Font is changed but not the text. 1st Try myTextField.TextField.Font=xui.CreateFont(fx.LoadFont(File.DirAssets,"SOME FONT.ttf",20),20) <<NOT WORKING>>...