
  1. Abdou1283

    B4J Question B4XFloatTextField Font

    HI, i m using the B4XFloatTextField control in my app. i want to change the font of the hint text and the text of textField. The hint text Font is changed but not the text. 1st Try myTextField.TextField.Font=xui.CreateFont(fx.LoadFont(File.DirAssets,"SOME FONT.ttf",20),20) <<NOT WORKING>>...
  2. J

    Android Question CardList B4XView Search & Gap between Panel

    HI Erel , How I can add a search option to this CustomListView . the requirement is to filter the view according to the search text. also how i can reduce the gap between each panel items. sample project attached regards Jithesh M
  3. mcorbeel

    Android Question Cross platform code with B4XView

    I recently discovered B4XView and its possibilities to share code between platforms. Though this is a great improvement, I have 1 issue that I cannot solve with my knowledge of today. For Android I declare and initialize my controls in the activity, for iOS I do this in my page. Then I pass...
  4. A

    Android Question Snapshot of panel

    Hello, I used erel solution for snapshot an item (for example - panel) - (https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/save-only-the-image-inside-the-panel.92333/#post-583937) Sub Button1_Click Dim bmp As B4XBitmap = Crop_Image(Panel1, Panel1.left, Panel1.top, Panel1.width, Panel1.height...
  5. K

    Android Question customlistview setlayoutanimated

    Hii Expert I designing CustomListView in my app. I need it five different times and in five different look with other layout I have issue with p.SetLayoutAnimated(0,0,0,60%x,35%x) I am confuse about how to give width and height, so is their is any way to get panel used height also if i'm...
  6. G

    Wish Expose HintText and SetTextSizeAnimated in B4XView

    Hi Erel The title says it all Now I use to write code like this: Sub SetHeader(oText As Object) #IF B4a Dim tText As EditText = oText tText.Hint = Translate("Enter Values") ' defined somewhere, not important #Else If B4i Dim tText As TextField = oText tText.HintText =...
  7. LucaMs

    Android Question B4XView - Error compiling a code module to library

    I have a code module (b4a) in which all the routines require variables of type B4XView as parameters. This code module works well in b4a and b4j projects. I compiled the module to a b4a library. Then I ran the same project (b4a) which used the code module, replacing the module with the library...
  8. Star-Dust

    B4J Library [B4X] [XUI] SD: B4XViewEvent

    Using the XUI views I realized the need to follow the events of Touch, Drag, Click and Release in a unique way. Required XUI 1.72+ In Android I would use this command: Sub EventName_Touch (Action As Int, X As Float, Y As Float) In B4J I would use this: Sub EventName_MouseDragged (EventData As...