
  1. Mashiane

    B4J Tutorial [BANanoWebix] Lesson 31 WixImage

    Ola One of the components that seem not to feature anywhere as a built up component is the image. Anyway to cut a long story short, here is our own version of the image, called WixImage. What we have also done here is to trap the onChange event of the RichSelect component. Whilst a WixCombo...
  2. Mashiane

    B4J Tutorial [BANanoWebix] Lesson 30 WixHints

    Ola The webix system has built int hints system that one can use to provide hints on the usage of the app as demonstrated. To be able to use this widget, one needs to create the hints, link the to element ids and add these in sequence of appearance and then execute the hints. The example in...
  3. Mashiane

    B4J Question [BANano] Clearing Builder Folder Contents on each Run??

    Hi there I just need to confirm something. I'm building an app that uses an sqlite db via PHP, so the db will be created if it does not exist or use the old db if it does not. As I am testing my app im adding stuff to the db so that i can finish my cycle, write my code, debug and rub my app...
  4. Mashiane

    B4J Tutorial [BANanoWebix] WixPivot on PRO (OffTopic)

    Ola This is not a tutorial but just an off topic issue pertaining to BANanoWebix and the PRO widgets. Webix besides the open source Webix offering, which BANanoWebix is based on, provides a variety of professional widgets that one can use for their apps. These include amongst other things the...
  5. Mashiane

    B4J Question [BANanoSQL] [SOLVED] Deletes Error (alasql.loadTableData is not a function)

    Hi there Attached here is a smaller version of my app, that details the error I am experiencing. 1. Inserts - execute 10 inserts to a table - check 2. Updates - update the 'parentid' of all records - check 3. Deletes - dololo 4. Selects - selects all records from the db - check The records...
  6. Mashiane

    B4J Tutorial [BANanoWebix] Creating the Form Designer CRUD Backend BANanoSQL DB

    Ola The BANanoWebix FD (Form Designer) uses BANanoSQL as a backend db to temporary store form and element properties. The designer is created in such a way that the attributes stored in it are never permanent but just a gateway for one to design each form they need. One creates a new form by...
  7. Mashiane

    B4J Tutorial [BANanoWebix] Lesson 29 MessageBoxes

    Ola Message boxes provides alerts, confirmation and the normal modal dialog that one can create.. Here we have notifications, alerts, confirmations. We have created buttons on a form so that when they are clicked, the normal message boxes appear. Dim form1 As WixForm 'initialize form...
  8. Mashiane

    B4J Tutorial [BANanoWebix] Lesson 6.X Form Validation

    Ola Let's add form validation. This is a process of ensuring that whatever is entered by users is valid. We accept isEmail, isNumber, isChecked, isNotEmpty. Let's create a form with some default settings... Dim form1 As WixForm 'initialize form and make it accept names with dots (.)...
  9. Mashiane

    B4J Tutorial [BANanoWebix] Lesson 8.4 Enhanced Data-Table

    Ola Lesson 8.1 Lesson 8.2 Lesson 8.3 Lesson 8.4 Welcome to the enhanced data-table. So what are we talking about? 1. Filtering 2. Conditional styling of content 3. Freezing columns (left or right) 4. Master Checkbox / Radio 5. Editing (traping on-edit-start & on-edit-stop) 6. Displaying links...
  10. Mashiane

    B4J Tutorial [BANanoWebix] Lesson 28 Suggestions

    Ola There comes a time when you want suggestions on text, combos etc. The WixSuggest elements comes in handy, you feed it a list of data and map it to a control and wala, when keypressing on the element / selecting, a list of suggestions is available... Here we create a form, add a textbox...
  11. A

    B4J Question [BANANO] [SOLVED] fetch api cors error?

    i try connect banano to jserver 0n other domain, with this code: Dim response As BANanoFetchResponse Dim data As String Dim fo As BANanoFetchOptions fo.Initialize fo.Method = "POST" fo.Body = BANano.ToJson(CreateMap("q":"Conect","p":Array(),"l":0)) fo.Headers =...
  12. Mashiane

    B4J Question [BANano] [SOLVED] Are there any plans to extend it to produce regular websites?

    Hi In respect to BANano, are there any plans to extend it to produce regular websites / webapps that are not necessarily SPAs? By this it means multiple pages with different page names? These could also be database driven etc? Thanks
  13. Mashiane

    B4J Tutorial [BANanoWebix] Creating a Multi-Page Interface in a SPA

    Ola The latest release of BANanoWebix features a sidebar that when selected, it displays 'different pages' within the same 'index.html file. At the heart of every BANano based App, there is the '#body' element of a page. Initially this is blank and one needs to feed content to it to create...
  14. Mashiane

    B4J Tutorial [BANanoWebix] Lesson 25 Template

    Ola The template is just also like the scrollview, enabling one to create elements.. In this image we depict how we have created a container and then added templates on the row. One might use this for displaying data or emphasing something etc. Sub Init(pgContainer As String)...
  15. Mashiane

    B4J Tutorial [BANanoWebix] Lesson 24 ScrollView

    Phew... Lesson 24 is about the scrollview. One can use this to host divs and other stuff that they might need to scroll. In this example we have created a scrollview with both X and Y scrolling active. To demonstrate this we set the width and height of the scrollview to be minimal and just...
  16. Mashiane

    B4J Tutorial [BANanoWebix] Lesson 8.3 Datatable Pagination & Exporting to XLSX, PNG, PDF and CSV

    Ola Lesson 8.1 Lesson 8.2 Lesson 8.3 Lesson 8.4 As per subject matter this lesson is about a data-table with a pager and also functionality to export its contents to PNG, PDF, CSV and XLSX. It's so amazing that with just a few object (map) settings and then a few simple calls webix does...
  17. Mashiane

    B4J Question [BANano] [SOLVED] How to include B4xlib Resources on new projects?

    Ola Scenario: My BANano b4xlib comes with resources, e.g. images, php, zip files that I will mostly use across apps I built with the library. Without having to always include the images, php, zip files again on new projects I make with the BANano B4xlib, how can I tell BANano to source the...
  18. Mashiane

    B4J Tutorial [BANanoWebix] Lesson 22 - Method 3 (DropZone)

    Ola Lesson 22 - Method 1 Lesson 22 - Method 2 This method involves the dropzone where one can drag and drop files into the uploader. A list is placed on a page.. Dim lst As WixList lst.Initialize("mylist").SetTypeUploader(True).SetHeight(600).SetWidth(300).SetScroll(False) '...
  19. Mashiane

    B4J Tutorial [BANanoWebix] Lesson 22 Uploader Method 2

    Ola Lesson 22 Method 1 Method 2 of the file uploader is a method that actually places an uploader on a form including a list that displays the files that have been selected. The same events as depicted in Lesson 22 Method 1 apply. 'create a page with a header and set 'space' layout...
  20. Mashiane

    B4J Tutorial [BANanoWebix] Lesson 22 Uploader - Method 1

    Hi We are just left with almost 2 additional widgets to complete on the standard open-source license before we can start building a working app. The uploader widget enables one to upload files. There are a various ways this works and we will now look at Method 1. We use this and we link it to...