
  1. Mashiane

    B4J Tutorial [BANano] Exploring Using PHP & SQLite for your WebApp

    Ola UPDATE: BANanoSQLite now available for actual sqlite db file CRUD functionality. This is part 1 of a series of my explorations using SQLite as a backend to a BANano app. I need a way to persist the data to a database, but thought of a serverless database for now. Series 1. Create the...
  2. Mashiane

    B4J Question [BANano] [SOLVED] ExecuteCallBack for PHP & AJAX

    Hi there I've just become comfortable using the ExecuteCallBack method for BANanoSQL and thanks for this feature. I had earlier asked about using Php & MySQL and was pointed to Ajax and an example also provided. Thanks. I'm just about to explore these now fully as I need to persist data...
  3. Mashiane

    B4J Question [BANano] [SOLVED] For Each Loop Data Type

    Hi there Please see line 149: It seems if you don't specify a data type for the loop item, it does not transpile. Having strfield As String however works perfectly. // [146] Sub DropColumns(tblName As String, fields As List) As List this.dropcolumns= function(_tblname,_fields) { if...
  4. Mashiane

    Share My Creation [WebApp] Create FlowCharts easily using UOEProcess.Show

    Ola Download UOEProcess.Show is a BANano based webapp that enabled anyone to create mermaid based flowcharts easily and also enable these to be exported to a PNG. Take the tour to get your hands into the groove and test-drive the app to create your first flowchart. I'm sure you will enjoy...
  5. Kiffi

    B4J Library [BANano] NW.js - Wrapper

    Hello, in this posting I want to show how easy it is to create desktop applications (Windows, Linux, MacOS) with BANano and NW.js. Getting Started: Download NW.js ( and unpack it at a location of your choice. Download the attached library zip and extract it to the internal...
  6. Mashiane

    B4J Question [BANano] [SOLVED] How can I upload a file using Php?

    Hi there I'm trying to upload a file to the assets folder. As a non-expert (javascript + BANano) person what I'm trying is not working yet. I've tried to adopt an example that I was previously provided as a solution to these file management things by Kiffi. I have attached here my example code...
  7. Mashiane

    B4J Tutorial Creating a hotel reservation app with BANanoJQM

    Hi there First and foremost, thank you for making a decision to view and even read this thread. Whilst not being an expert in BANano and still learning the ropes, the article is mainly about the UX. As you might be aware by now, BANano is the engine that knits your front event functionality...
  8. Mashiane

    B4J Question [BANano]: [SOLVED] How to RunJavascriptMethod and wait for it to finish?

    Hi there I'm trying to get a file's DataURL using a promise. #if javascript function getdataurl(fileid){ var fi = document.getElementById(fileid); var file = fi.files[0]; var geturl = new Promise( function(resolve, reject){ var fr =...
  9. Mashiane

    B4J Tutorial [BANano] Exploring BANanoEvents

    Hi there This is just my method (without abstract designer views) of adding and binding events to elements. 1. Elements are added to the page 2. After the page content is updated, events are added to a map that keeps record of events, events can be click, change etc. 3. Events are bound to the...
  10. Mashiane

    B4J Question [BANAno]: [SOLVED] Returning all list items in For Each

    Hi there I'm creating an event adder for my code with a list dependency.. Dim nl As List nl.Initialize nl.AddAll(Array As String("anele", "is", "enjoying", "banano")) For Each strname As String In nl Dim strA As String = "Test-" & strname Log(strA)...
  11. Mashiane

    B4J Tutorial [BANano]: Distributing and accessing an existing SQLite Databases - Part 1

    Ola Part 2 UPDATE: BANanoSQLite now available for actual sqlite db CRUD using PHP I've been wondering if I could be able to do this as I want to distribute my app with an already existing SQLite.DB database for READONLY access. No, this is not WebSQL but a pure SQLite database. At first I...
  12. Mashiane

    B4J Question [BANano] [SOLVED] How does one use the Header.AddMeta?

    Hi there I'd like to add some meta tags to the page, unfortunately the description for intellisense says invalid. Does it have to be the complete string like this? <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes"> Thanks in advance?
  13. Mashiane

    B4J Question [BANano] [SOLVED] Set Minify Option On/Off

    Hi Just updated to 2.15, nothing seems to work on my code, same code works with 2.09. When i debug there is an expectation of ). I don't even know the cause now as the code compiles without any errors. At first 2.15 didnt work with these strings so I simplied the code and it compiles well, but...
  14. Mashiane

    B4J Question [BANano]: [SOLVED] How to embed & read json file? / rather use BANanoSQL to load it?

    Hi there I'm not sure if this is possible or not even with other web stuff however I have something in mind. I have json file that I need my app to read. Actually Im thinking of converting an sqlite db to json that my app will use in read only mode. I guess I can use sql.js without the need...
  15. Mashiane

    B4J Question [BANano] [SOLVED] 'Empty string passed to getElementById()'.

    Hi there The above question is being reported by Firefox developer. Phew, been wondering the cause as the counter was showing 15 on another project. This is being raised on the .Empty call, the Flights is being displayed on the page. Sub Init 'create a div Dim el As BANanoElement...
  16. Mashiane

    Share My Creation [BANano] Create your UX with MaterializaCSS using UOEBANano

    Hi there NB: This is an OpenSource project, anyone can contribute to it and enhance it. I happen to have some time challenges on my side and due to the sheer size of this thing, I might not fully be doing it. My BANano Related Projects CRUD with LocalStorage BackEnd Methodology Used 1...
  17. Mashiane

    B4J Question [BANAno] [SOLVED] How to find element existance?

    Hi there Sorry on wrong forum - this is a question How do I check if an element exists? Sub ElementExists(elID as string) As Boolean dim el As BANanoElement = BANano.GetElement(elID) if el <> Null then Return False else Return True End Sub return ElementExists("#me") End if
  18. Mashiane

    B4J Question [BANano]: [SOLVEd] How to CallSub inside #If JavaScriptSmart?

    Hi there I'd like to call a b4j function inside a javascript function, here is an example.. #if JavascriptSmart $(document).on('pagebeforeshow', '#headline', function(){ ${BANano.CallSub(Me, "LoadSelectedMovie", Null)} }); #End If Sub LoadSelectedMovie 'clear the listview content...
  19. Mashiane

    Share My Creation [BANAno] Waking the JQuery Mobile Dino for a rest api experiment

    Download Source Code Download BANanoJQM Actually, this is rather a weird one... Decided to experiment with JQuery Mobile framework to explore a movie database rest api. This was a quick implementation for the UX though just for what I needed. I guess because I initially started with JQ...
  20. Mashiane

    B4J Question [BANano] [SOLVED] Library Compilation FileNotFoundException

    Hi there Just a quick question, perhaps I'm missing something... When creating a library and you added the library resources, eg, css and js files in the Files tab, on compilation, do you have to copy these resources to your b4j libraries too? There is an error of file not found.. Error...