
  1. Random.Information

    Android Tutorial Connect B4A to Bluestacks 5

    Step 1. Copy the adb file path - Locate the adb file in the SDK folder. - Copy the adb file path Path example: C:\B4A\sdk\platform-tools Step 2. Connect the B4A adb with the emulator IP - Open CMD as administrator - Go to the path inside the CMD - Carry out the command that connects the adb...
  2. Mashiane

    Android Tutorial MySQL data to webview using PHP

    Hi there The purpose of this is to demo how one can add, update, read and display mysql database records into a webview. 1. Setting up development environment For this we have used, Xampp with MySQL, BlueStacks android emulator to install and test our apk, some php with CRUD functions etc...
  3. Mashiane

    B4J Tutorial Xampp + Bluestacks on IP Address

    Hi there I happen to be back to my B4A days lately however just found this out on stack overflow. Seems with as IP address on bluestacks, one can experience their localhost xamp websites etc. For B4A, enabling ADB on settings enables one after installing B4A bridge to debug apps on...
  4. aedwall

    Android Question b4a Bridge issues with Nox and MeMu

    My physical Nexus 7 tablet fell onto the floor and landed in such a way that it apparently blew out the ability to charge or pass data, so I need to use an emulator. I have set up BlueStacks3, Nox, and MeMu. When I run my project, BlueStacks3 does a fine job with running as an emulator - and I...