
  1. Alexander Stolte

    B4A Class [B4X] [XUI] AS Floating Loading Button

    First, i spend a lot of time in creating views, some views i need by my self, but some views not and to create a high quality view cost a lot of time. If you want to support me, then you can do it here by Paypal. :) The Loading Animations are from the B4XLoadingIndicator by @Erel Author...
  2. Alexander Stolte

    B4A Class [B4X] [XUI] AS ButtonSlider V1.0

    First, i spend a lot of time in creating views, some views i need by my self, but some views not and to create a high quality view cost a lot of time. If you want to support me, then you can do it here by Paypal. :) another week and a new AS View :p with B4X it is too easy to create custom...
  3. Devv

    Android Question Making GUI without layout

    How can i add a button to an activity without making a layout file ? without using this Activity.LoadLayout("Main") i tried everything to make the button visable , but no success #Region Activity Attributes #FullScreen: False #IncludeTitle: True #End Region Sub Process_Globals End...
  4. A

    Android Question Volume changed

    hello, It is possible for action to happen when the volume is changed not by (my) app? for example, when the user click on volume up button, a message box will pop up? (whether the app is open or closed)? Thanks in advance.
  5. Dave O

    Android Code Snippet adding Material icons to text

    The MaterialIcons font is handy for creating icon-only buttons. You can do this right in the Designer. If, however, you want to add an icon to some existing button text (say, a "Save" button with a checkmark before the "Save" text), you can't do this directly in the Designer because the...
  6. Niek Wegman

    Android Question requesting edittext text when created in loop

    Hi there, i have a set of code creating 8 edittext fields in an activity. when a button is pressed i want it to read all the edittext entries, the problem is i've created the textboxes using code with a "for i = 1 to 8" line, which looks like this: 'generating labels and namefields For...
  7. K

    Android Question button with icon and text at bottom

    Hii, I have to design button with icon or image at center and then text at bottom of icon. How to do this?
  8. K

    Android Question Animation to Custom View

    Hii everybody, I want to give my custom view animation like button click.
  9. Star-Dust

    B4i Library SD: Switch

    iSD_Switch Author: Star-Dust Version: 0.01 SDSwitch Events: ChangeValue (Value As Boolean) Functions: Class_Globals As String DesignerCreateView (Base As Panel, Lbl As Label, Props As Map) As String GetBase As Panel getValue As Boolean Initialize (Callback As Object, EventName As...
  10. Star-Dust

    B4J Library [B4X] [XUI] SD XUIView

    I'm happy to announce the publication of my new B4XView library. This library adds to the XUi Views the native views of the three platforms (Android / IOS / Desktop) so that they can be managed by Design, using them as XUI views without having to change its type in the Globals Sub. With this...
  11. T

    German gibt es anpassbare Buttons?

    Hi, ich versuche gerade viele Buttons mit Rahmen zu machen. In meiner Core version gibt es leider keine Rahmen. Ich wollte fragen ob es bereits additional libraries gibt mit denen ich das bewerkstelligen kann. LG, Tooob
  12. M

    Strange problem, help.

    Hello guys I got a project I'm working right now, and I'm using a set of customlistview, which results are a another set, a define number of times. Each of these elements contains -Image -Transparent buttom/ white frame when the focus is on the element. -Link -Title The focus was created with...
  13. avalle

    Android Question Images and buttons in Firebase Notifications

    Hello, I've started working with Firebase Notification messages successfully following the various guides. Now I want to add images and buttons that show directly in the notification and I'm a little confused on how best to do that. Here's a guide I've found with a sample of a possible result...