
  1. F

    Android Question auto_clicking a button

    auto_clicking a button to do something.not with finger exem: button.autoclick(x,y) how to code?
  2. Ja8

    Games Trying to put a "fire button" in my stage with LibGDX

    Hi everybody: First of all, this is my first message in the forum. I have read the rules, but I'm sorry if I had some errors writing this. I'm trying to make a very simple game in LibGDX with a main screen, a stage, an actor, a camera that follows the actor and a couple of buttons (to shot and...
  3. N

    Android Question B4A Buttons Alignment

    Hello I have multiple buttons that I want to center, I also want these buttons to adapt with screen sizes, for example on tablet, these four buttons must be in one row since they can fit all together on the tablet's screen. Thank you, Nataly
  4. AmirMK82

    B4A Library [B4X] [XUI Views] - AMProgressButton

    Hello, My New Cross Platform Library is ready now :) A new styled button with built-in progressbar Features Cross-platform compatible A good text animation Changeable values Custom Colors Custom Border And CornerRadius Tested in B4A B4J * I don't have tested it with B4I, but it should...
  5. AmirMK82

    B4A Library [B4X] [XUI Views] AMButton - New flexible and attractive button

    Hello, I have made a new styled button Features cross-platform compatible a good animation Changeable values custom values Tested in B4A B4J * I don't have tested it with B4I, but it should work * B4A: B4J: AMButton Author: AmirMK82 Version: 1.00 AMButton Events: Click Fields...
  6. Alexander Stolte

    B4A Library [B4X] [XUI] AS FloatingActionButton [Payware]

    HeyHo, this is a cross platform Floating Action Button. This library is not free, because, it cost a lot of time and gray hair to create such views. https://payhip.com/b/q5oIT Thanks for your understanding. :) Sub ASFloatingActionButton1_ButtonClicked(open As Boolean) If open = True Then...
  7. K

    German Adventskalender

    Guten Morgen allerseits ? Ich versuche einen Adventskalender zu machen. Nun habe ich jedoch folgendes Problem : Wie kann ich das machen, dass man einen Button NUR klicken darf, wenn das Datum bereits erreicht ist?
  8. M

    iOS Question iOS Switch Centering

    hi everyone, i'm trying to center properly a native ios switch in a panel, but i don't get it done in a reliable way. in the designer How can i manage to get it done properly? :( Thanks in advance
  9. amorosik

    Italian [B4X] Button - Come farli tondi / ovali / altre forme ?

    Come si fanno i command button tondi/ovali? C'e' modo di farli anche con forme arbitrarie (ad esempio una macchinetta o simile) ? E sui button standard quelli da ambiente originale, come cambiare il colore sfondo del tasto?
  10. M

    iOS Question Text and Material Icons in b4xview Buttons

    Hi everyone, my question is: It's possibile to put a combination of Matrial Icons and Text in a button declared as B4xview? I'm used to CSBuilder, but b4xview does not have the .AttributedText parameter :( Thanks in advance
  11. M

    Android Question Insert bitmap in a button that have colordrawable

    Hi everyone, I've a round button (with border), but i want to insert a bitmap into too. i'm trying to achieve the same effect i've done in my iOS app. It's possibile to this thing? Thanks in advance!
  12. M

    Android Question SVG in button

    hi, i wanted to know if there is a way to put an svg as image in a button (int the bitmap properity) Thanks in advance!
  13. W

    Android Tutorial Hugo - ESP8266 4-button WiFi remote

    Not exactly a tutorial or Android-only, but a hint to the community for those who like playing with home automation stuff, and possibly for others as well. I happened across this very nice device (IMHO): https://www.tindie.com/products/nicethings/hugo-esp8266-4-button-wifi-remote/ and couldn't...
  14. DALB

    Android Question button crash with code inside, no crash without code inside

    Hello everyone, I've a famous and strange behaviour from a button. With the following code Sub btnCalculsMoyJ_Click Dim nc As Int=Table1.SelectedRows Log(nc) ToastMessageShow("what Happens ?'","???") End Sub the app crashes without any reason and I have no line in the log...
  15. W

    B4J Question Array of buttons

    I have an array of 24 buttons . If I give them identical event names in designer can I handle their click events in a single event handler . If so how do I pass the name of the button to this event handler so it can tell which button generated the event ? Any help gratefully received
  16. M

    Android Question Button or EditText still clickable under a solid panel

    Hi everyone. I have big problem, i have two edittexts and a button, then i have i white (#FFFFFF) panel on top of those. The problem is that it's possible to click the button or the edittext anyway, even if there is the panel hiding them (with alpha 255).

    Android Question Button Click with passing parameters

    Hello, I have a sub that fill a custom view with a product list. The _ItemClick event is handling perfectly his job , when we are clicking into the global item line, but : that product list (code below) have 2 kind of added buttons which have to launch (with button_Click) 2 differents script...
  18. Mashiane

    B4J Tutorial [BANanoWebix] Lesson 5: Creating ToolBars

    Hi This 5th installment of webix tuts deals with how one can create toolbars. These sit on the Rows collection of your page and can have a variety of elements like buttons, toggle buttons and icons. Like any WixElement, one can set the height of the toolbar and also set some default...
  19. E

    iOS Question [Solved] FontAwesome not working as button icons

    (re: related thread: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/fontawesome-icons-in-buttons.80993/ ) I had an issue where FontAwesome icons that looked great in Designer: were not displaying in the actual program: and what I eventually tracked it down to was a programming...
  20. Alexander Stolte

    B4A Class [B4X] [XUI] AS Floating Loading Button

    First, i spend a lot of time in creating views, some views i need by my self, but some views not and to create a high quality view cost a lot of time. If you want to support me, then you can do it here by Paypal. :) The Loading Animations are from the B4XLoadingIndicator by @Erel Author...