
  1. Marcus Araujo

    Android Example Solving "Font asset not found" from library

    I developed a class (compiled in library) that makes use of Typeface.MATERIALICONS, but when I tried using it there was this error: java.lang.RuntimeException: Font asset not found b4x_materialicons.ttf I could not find a thread summarizing this problem in this forum for a workout, but the...
  2. K

    Android Question custom object click in customlistview (parent click)

    I attach sample project. I add my customobject in customlistview. My problem is, When I click on my customobject, it doesn't run customlistview click, on other side B4A default object work properly.
  3. K

    Android Question object base class

    Hii experts, I have to create an application by custom components class. in which I want all same property of default object. like Button class, I want to create my custom components button which contains all property and event of buttons. like in other software, there is option of base class...
  4. Yunus ÖZ

    Android Question Change StatusColor from class

    I have a class file name funcs, and there is a code like this Public Sub statusBarColor(color As Int) If ph.SdkVersion >= 21 Then Dim jObj As JavaObject jObj.InitializeContext Dim window As JavaObject = jObj.RunMethodJO("getWindow", Null)...
  5. Peter Simpson

    At last, maybe...

    So after studying Klaus's xChart, Erels various examples and watching Star-Dust release example of what can be created using XUI, I decided to take a closer look at XUI. I've started learning about XUI and its advantages, yes it looking really good and way better than I first thought it was...
  6. W

    B4J Library Broadlink home automation [Class] [B4X]

    Hi all, These are two classes (the attached is a B4J project but I believe the classes will work for B4X, correct me if I'm wrong in which case I'll update the post) that let you control IR and RF devices with Broadlink RM Pro and Mini 3 ('Black Bean') controllers - see...
  7. K

    Android Question Class of Objects

    Hii everybody. I have to create my own obect like edittext,button with my own property using this as base object how to do that? thanks in advance.
  8. LucaMs

    B4A Library [Class] ExpandViews

    A class / library to easily manage the expansion / collapsing of N B4XViews. The initial code was here: Due to some problems with the SetLayoutAnimated command, it was not possible to get good animation for...
  9. A

    Android Question ReStart the Voice Recognition

    Hi, I tried to restart the Voice Recognition 'window' (, for example if the User didnt speak (and then the VR dialog is showing 'Please speak clearly, click to try again'). the problem is I get the VR result succes...
  10. MarkusR

    Share My Creation B4A Checkbox List Pop-up UI Class

    hello, today i made a class to pop up a list selection with checkboxes (in a scrollview) from a key value map inside a activity. after ok click the map is updated. note: i think a better solution is using a extra activity and jump into with CallSubDelay2 and then jump back where it comes from...
  11. Star-Dust

    Italian Panoramica Star-Dust

    Per comodità (mia) raccolgo qui i miei contributi: Warning: Non sono wrap (non saprei farli) , sono realizzate quasi interamente in B4X. Librerie B4A 01 Dialogs 02 Menu 03 Floating Button StandOut 04 DragBoard 05 ViewExtra 06 PanelExtra 07 BT_Printer (Bluetooth & BLE) 08 MenuExtender 09...