
  1. M

    iOS Question BLE delay while sending fast data

    hi everyone, I've an ESP32 and I connect to it using BLE. I want to send data in a fast way to control a ws2812 RGB led strip... but seems to be not possible.. there is a sort of delay. Just for testing I modified the original BLE Example by Erel to add a slider. Take a look at the video, when...
  2. ziz

    Android Question What is the best tool for this job?

    Hello you all What is the best tool or method for displaying employee data without modifying it? Note : that the data represents about thirty fields
  3. M

    Android Question Very strange SLOWNESS in BLE writeData

    Hi everyone, I'm trying to send a 900KB file to an ESP32 via BLE. Assume that the code on the ESP32 is working because i tested it using a React WebApp running in the PC browser, that connects to it over BLE and send the files. Everything works fine. However... i managed to port the same...
  4. M

    Android Question Equivalent of arraybuffer.slice(start, end) in B4X

    Hi everyone, i'm trying to porting some javascript (react) code into B4A, but the data.slice(from, to) function is used to create blocks of 512bytes from a larger file. What is the equivalent in B4X? Thanks in advance
  5. Y

    Android Tutorial Data Safety Admob

    Hello team, If you recieved an email about submiting Data Safety form at Google Play Console and your apps using Admob, you can watch this video to guide you. More infos you can find here and here. Wish you a great day!
  6. B

    German Ordner in eigene Dateien erstellen

    Hallo zusammen, da es seit Android 10 oder 11 ja nicht mehr mit den Bordmitteln möglich ist auf Android/data zuzugreifen bzw. dieser Ordner leer ist, wollte ich meine erstellten Datenbanken nun in einen extra Ordner auf der selben Ebene wie "Download", "Music", etc. erstellen. Alternativ könnte...
  7. U

    Android Question String Values Going Empty! Web Service(SOAP)

    Hello there, I am connecting to web service with SOAP using KSOAP2 library. I'm currently having a problem that I can't get out of for the user login section. When I send data via **** POST, it returns "successful" as 'result'. However, when I test the web service with SOAP, the email or...
  8. W

    Android Question Pass data from the main activity to the new activity

    Hello everyone, I state that I am new to the forum but above all new to B4A. I need to start with the basics and so I wanted to ask you how to pass data from the main activity (main) to a new activity module (for example: "activity1"). For data I mean for example a string "Hello", and that in...
  9. Pablo Torres

    Android Question Plot points and slide them to the left

    Hi, I have a Tablet connected to an arduino that is sending to the tablet data (one value) 50 times per second. I have to show that data in the tablet, and it has to look like the red part in the image below. Now, the question is, how can I “add” new point to the left, erase first point of the...
  10. M

    iOS Question UDP sending error data in Release mode

    Hi everyone, i'm trying to use UDP to send packets, but i'm getting some errors. I tried this code on an iPhoneXR and it works in debug and also in release(last os version)... i tried the same code on an iPhone6 but when it is in release it doesn't work I need to send a packet, and then wait...
  11. P

    B4A Library SharedPreferences - Save Key-value data

    Hello When i used B4A for the first time, I felt something is missing. it was hard to save values using File.WriteString or even harder: File.WriteMap each time i had to Create a map and write it to a file if i wanted to save changes. i was waiting for anyone to write a library to make this...
  12. M

    iOS Question Check if the WiFi and the Mobile Data are enabled

    How can i check if the Wifi and Mobile Data are enabled (not connected). And what is the event that triggers when one of those two change
  13. KMatle

    B4J Tutorial [B4x] Exchange Data via OkHttpUtils and php (or other platforms) via lists, maps, arrays, etc.

    I made 7 examples how to exchange data between B4x apps and php. I use the POSTSTRING method as it is simple, secure (get-methods will be logged with the data autmatically on the server, post-methods not), strings can be formatted very easy (JSON) and en-/decrypted (not included but see my other...
  14. K

    Android Question error with customlistview

    java.lang.RuntimeException: android.os.TransactionTooLargeException: data parcel size 1176092 bytes I got this is error on customlistview add and there are only 515 records to load Error log :: java.lang.RuntimeException: android.os.TransactionTooLargeException: data parcel size 1176092 bytes...
  15. rleiman

    Android Question json file with geo-coordinates

    Hi Everyone, Do you know of a web site that has a json file I can download that contains the following? For now I'm looking to get the data for cities in the US. I will add other countries later if the web resource has multiple countries. City Name or postcode Lat latitude in degrees Lon...