
  1. X

    Android Question Some Question on Google WebView...

    background:Android14 mobile phone with gms, using google webview seeing it in [Developer Options] When Using WebView with customized WebChromeClient and override function `public void onReceivedTitle(WebView view, String title)` load a HTML url link,and receive title the url without protocrol...
  2. Alexander Stolte

    Android Example [B4X] Supabase - Authentification SignIn with Google In this example, we will take a look at how we can implement authentication using Google sign-in to secure our application using the Supabase SDK for B4X. Configure the Client IDs on the Google...
  3. DactilPlus

    iOS Question Google map appears in gray

    I have two apps that use the google map, both were working fine until two weeks ago. now one shows the map in gray (app1) and the other (app2) continues to work correctly. both use the same apikey with no restrictions The app1 has been working perfectly two years The issue is that in the app...
  4. B

    Android Question Item not available with google billing.

    Hi, im trying to learn how subscriptions work in B4A but running into an error. I am using the code example provided by Erel that can be found here and modified it to work with subscriptions. When hitting the Remove Ads button I get a message back stating "The item you requested is not...
  5. A

    Android Question Google search for WebView

    Hello. My application uses a WebView to view Html pages that I previously stored in a database. Please tell me, is it possible to embed Google search into WebView, so that in addition to displaying Html pages, WebView can still search for the necessary sites? Or maybe there is some other...
  6. Y

    Android Tutorial Data Safety Admob

    Hello team, If you recieved an email about submiting Data Safety form at Google Play Console and your apps using Admob, you can watch this video to guide you. More infos you can find here and here. Wish you a great day!
  7. DarkoT

    B4J Question OpenRoute or OpenStreetMap - how to use?

    Hi guys, I need to create small desktop application which will show the users some direction between two points on map. User need to input first adress and second adress and I will show him the road from start to end point. I found API for this on OpenRoute or OpenStreet Map (okey, basicaly I...
  8. FPGdevs

    Android Question Play Games services available for a non-game app?

    Is there a way I can implement google play games achievements and leaderboard into an app that is listed on the play store as an "app" and not as a game? In the play console, play games services are visible to me only when I set the app's type to game.
  9. Pedro Caldeira

    Android Question Google Maps is not installed or is disabled - android 11

    Hello All, I have an app that works with google maps, and all worked well until android 11 now when I click the Directions Icon, in the bottom right corner, instead of opening google maps and showing the directions I get the message "Google Maps is not installed or is disabled". I stumble across...
  10. D

    Android Question Failure MIN_SIG_SCHEME_FOR_TARGET_SDK_NOT_MET

    Hello Tried to post the application to the playmarket, but got the following error: "You uploaded an APK with an invalid signature (learn more about signing). Error from apksigner: ERROR: MIN_SIG_SCHEME_FOR_TARGET_SDK_NOT_MET: Target SDK version 30 requires a minimum of signature scheme v2; the...
  11. WebQuest

    Android Tutorial Calculation of Distance in Km between two points on MapFragment

    Hi I share a simple solution to calculate the distance in km between two points on MapFragment. I hope it will be of help to anyone who works with the GoogleMaps v2.50 library. The coordinates used for this example are set in the image. The code is the translation of Haversine's formula...
  12. Multiverse app

    Android Question On November 1, 2020, account hold and subscription restore will become mandatory What are the steps required for developers to be compliant?
  13. DonManfred

    B4J Library GoogleCalendar - GCal4J

    GCal4J <link>...|</link> Author: DonManfred Version: 0.26 Calendar Functions: IsInitialized As Boolean Properties: CalendarList As [read only] Calendars As [read...
  14. W

    Share My Creation GAPP Installer

    Google Play Service and Google Play Store installer for chinese mobile phone such as Xiaomi, Oppo , Vivo etc.. This app needs internet to download all of google releated apk. Download Link : Make with B4A.
  15. Martin Larsen

    Is Google really that stupid?

    I have made an app for the Danish Cat Protection Society that is currently only in internal testing. The app is used for: - Keeping a record of your cats including age, picture, chip number and the vet's phone number etc - Finding the nearest vet - Adoption of cats - Information on how to deal...
  16. K

    Android Question Uncaught translation error After Updating Android SDK

    I follow this tutorial :: and Update Android SDK Because its showing :: Maven artifact not found: After that Compiler Showing B4A Version: 9.80 Java Version: 8 Parsing code...
  17. P

    Android Question App crashes without any error

    Hello my app was working fine until i came to work on it but there was an error -> Maven artifact not found: (It was working before this error) So i opened sdk manager and selected AND...
  18. P

    Android Question Firebase Auth if Success

    Hi Everyone, Newbie question here, I've set up an app, when booting i open main activity, then if firsttime i use Auth.Signinwithgoogle.. However when the popup comes up if i just click off it it goes away and you can still use the app... Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean) 'Do not...
  19. A

    Android Question Activity recognition stops working when closing the app

    Hi there! I tried to build a sample app that notifies (using nb6) when the current user physical activity changes (using physical-activity-recognition-detection library). It worked, but after closing the app with the user's 'task manager' (where you 'swipe' apps to stop them), I stopped...
  20. F

    Android Question Google Cloud Storage upload

    Hello all, What I'd like to accomplish is to simply upload a file (zip) to a bucket that I've already created on Google Cloud Storage. REST API URI is given as:[BUCKET_NAME]/o?uploadType=media&name=[OBJECT_NAME] I do understand that I need...