
  1. B

    Android Tutorial Compiling through Google Drive Filestream

    Hi, Last couple of days I have been testing compilation of B4A programs through Google Drive Filestream. Although it is a little bit slower it has a lot of advantages to do this: - your OpenJDK resides on Google Drive; - your Android SDK resides on Google Drive; - your B4A programs and...
  2. M

    Android Question Make not visible Place Autocomplete View

    Hi, everyone, im trying to use the Place Autocomplete View from Erel. I have the necessity to hide (or show) the view as i want by code, but the command: PlaceAutocompleteView.Visible = False doesn't exist... how can i solve this?
  3. M

    Android Question Google Places

    Hi, i'm trying to work with Google Places API, i saw this thread: trying to understand how it works. I need to find businesses and points of interest, it's possible to do this in B4A with...
  4. A

    Android Question Warning while submitting an update

    Hello, I've just added Firebase Notifications to my app with ready to run sdk . when trying to publish the update at the Google play console, this warning had shown: You uploaded an APK or Android App Bundle that uses Google Play services version 12451000. This will only work with Android API...
  5. Multiverse app

    B4A Library [B4X] b4xlib Cloud Text-To-Speech

    What is Cloud Text-to-Speech? Google Cloud Text-to-Speech converts text into human-like speech in more than 100 voices across 20+ languages and variants. It applies groundbreaking research in speech synthesis (WaveNet) and Google's powerful neural networks to deliver high-fidelity audio. With...
  6. ruut

    TensorFlow Lite

    I am considering to follow this free top notch course on TensorFlow, created by Google and Udacity Lesson 7 is about TensorFlow Lite. Are there any plans for supporting TensorFlow Lite within B4X? If so, this would make it more interesting for me to take the course.
  7. Alexander Stolte

    B4J Question Google Cloud Storage authentication

    Hello, i want to use Google Cloud Storage for my image backend, my B4J Service would be handle the auth. I have create a service account and have set the permissions to this account, to access the bucket. How can i authenticate the B4J service to access the images? I have a .json file with...
  8. L

    google domain verification questions

    Hi, I'm about to publish my first app that needs to use an API from google, so, as I've understood, I have to verify my domain to lift some API restrictions... right? I've never had a domain or a website. Also, I've read that, after the registration, Google will evaluate the domain in order to...
  9. Marcus Araujo

    Android Example Solution for: Google Sign In Error 12500 x Internal Testing

    The problem: If anyone is using the Google Play's Internal Testing feature to make your app available for selected users, be aware that Google changes the app and therefore the APK signature - so Firebase-based services that require SHA-1 signature will NOT work properly. In my case, Google...
  10. Rob Bliss

    Android Question Google Maps Current Location Listener

    Is there a way to know when the current location button in a Google Map has been clicked. Id prefer not to override the existing functionality, ideally just add my own bits to it, but if I can only override then so be it. Cheers
  11. Shivito1

    Android Question Google cloud TTS

    I got this working great in Python. My java skills are not good someone please look at this :Link: and give me suggestion to make this work in my b4A. Thanks :) I want to use Google cloud TTS. I have set up my free account but not sure how I hand text over to the cloud to read...
  12. Alexander Stolte

    Android Question [B4X] Google Geocoding REST API Get only City Name [Solved]

    Hello, i have this code to get from the lat and lon the city name, streetadress etc. Sub PlaceToLatLon(lat As Float, lon As Float) As ResumableSub Dim j As HttpJob Dim city2 As String j.Initialize("", Me) j.Download2("", _...
  13. Multiverse app

    Introducing Android 9 Pie... Thoughts?
  14. sktanmoy

    Android Question Issue with Firebase auth

    Hello, I was trying to integrate Firebase Auth (Google Only) to my app. But facing issues. Error Log: *** Service (starter) Create *** ** Service (starter) Start ** ** Activity (main) Create, isFirst = true ** FirebaseAuth initialized Error occurred on line: 27 (Main)...
  15. carlos7000

    Spanish Nuevos cambios en Android 8

    He oído que Android 8 trae una serie de cambios que afectan, no solo a las nuevas aplicaciones que desarrollemos, sino a las antiguas. Por ejemplo hay que pedir permiso para emplear algunas de las características de los equipos celulares o tabletas. ¿Alguien sabe donde se puede obtener...
  16. A

    Android Question AdMob integration?

    How would I go about integrating Google Ads into an app? Has anyone created a library that would allow banner ads on apps? Thanks
  17. Alexander Stolte

    iOS Question Google Maps get current position per code

    Hey, I can not determine the current position. How does work in B4I? My current code: Private Sub AddMap gmap.Initialize("gmap", Main.API_KEY_2) pnl_gmap.AddView(gmap, 0, 0, 100%X, 100%y) 'gmap.MapType = gmap.MAP_TYPE_TERRAIN gmap.GetUiSettings.CompassEnabled = False...
  18. A

    Android Question ReStart the Voice Recognition

    Hi, I tried to restart the Voice Recognition 'window' (, for example if the User didnt speak (and then the VR dialog is showing 'Please speak clearly, click to try again'). the problem is I get the VR result succes...
  19. A

    Android Question Auto Start Voice Recognition after error

    Hi (This is another question I wanted to ask in another thread) Hi I want to automatically restart the Voice Recognition Service(, in case of the user didn't say anything(and then the VR is stopping...
  20. A

    Android Question Auto Start Voice Recognition

    Hi I want to automatically restart the Voice Recognition Service(, in case of the user didn't say anything(and then the VR is stopping automatically) or there is no internet connection. May someone help me with...