
  1. walterf25

    Android Question Lottie Library doesn't work with webp images

    Hi Everyone, I am working with this library found here So far everything works fine, but I have a json file that doesn't seem to work as expected, and I believe the reason is that the image format embedded in the json file is webp, all the other files I have worked with have png format and they...
  2. F

    iOS Question Screenshots do not sufficiently show your app in use

    Hi guys I recently uploaded my app to the Apple Team for review I added the screenshots in the sizes they requested but I keep getting this message (I don't have an Apple device) We noticed that your screenshots do not sufficiently show your app in use. Specifically, your 6.7-inch iPhone...
  3. J

    Share My Creation Creating javafx buttons with images

    Hi, 'b4jers' B4j can easily import and encompass the javafx controls and deals with them as native controls. As a demo of this power of b4j I present this outcome of a small app that took a considerable deal of research, trials and errors, and code organization.. It displays three buttons...
  4. Alexander Stolte

    B4A Library AS Gallery - show images from folders (image- and video-thumbnails)

    I want to share my class to create a image preview list like in the gallery app. This class is based on xCustomListView and PreoptimizedCLV. The class is creating a cached thumbnail of a image if needed, to avoid performance issues on scrolling. The cache folder is created here...
  5. saeed10051

    B4J Question ABMaterial framework problem with images

    Hi I am using the ab material framework template it is running fine. but there is following seciton in the code ' add an image to say what we really mean.... ' note where the image is derived from. Go find it in the folder and replace it with your own image (if you wish)... Dim img...
  6. Peter Simpson

    Android Tutorial ? A simple XUI app transfer from B4A to B4J in under 11 minutes

    Hello all, Here is a quick video to show how simple it can be to transfer your B4A projects to B4J when using XUI. It's been on my mind all days now, so I thought I would give it a go and also record my efforts. This is my first ever attempt at doing anything cross platform like this with XUI...
  7. Mashiane

    Games [BANanoPhaser 0.2] Dino Dash

    Ola Download This is our 3rd game with BANanoPhaser and thus more developments and enhancements on the library especially with separation of concerns. Let me explain. The phaser code javascript code is like this.. this.load.image('play', 'assets/image1.png') With version 0.1 of...
  8. advansis

    Android Code Snippet Flexible Table Sort Icons

    Hi to everybody, when I use Flexible Table (, most times I forget to include the sorting icons in fileassets. Furthermore, I wanted a dynamical way of creating such icons, so I modified the library code. If you find useful...
  9. Mashiane

    B4J Tutorial [BANano] UOEGrid Column Renderer - Let's display images etc

    Hi This tut is based on this lib here, [BANano] UOEGridTable. A question popped up about how I can display images, or perhaps other icons in grid columns. After some researching I noted a column rendered for the gijgo grid. Its definition is... A renderer is an 'interceptor' function which...
  10. Alexander Stolte

    Android Question [B4X] xCustomListView load images async

    Hello, usually I use the Ultimate Listview from @Informatix for that, but in this case i develop cross plattform. In the ULV is there a fucntion called "SetLoadImageCallbacks" with this function it is possible to load images asynchron. And whenever the function was called, I downloaded the...