
  1. alirezahassan

    Java Question How to add jar file into my library

    hi all, I'm writing a library For the best IDE in the world (B4A):) And i want to use jar file into my eclipse project. I add like these pictures But when I output the library, the jar file is not added to my library output. And i should add my jar like this code #AdditionalJar What should I do...
  2. sfsameer

    Share My Creation B4XCode Material Kit

    Hello everyone :) *Starting off by thanking @Erel for making this possible for us ♥ We have started building an amazing Material Kit Library. Currently it contains 7 designs, but we are planning on reaching 400+ designs before the end of this year. Purchasing this library will give you ...
  3. Martin Larsen

    B4R Library BMP180 with ESP8266-01 support - Pressure and temperature

    This is a modified version of Erel's BMP180 library with support for ESP8266-01. The tiny ESP-01 board does support I2C but the SDA and SCL pins are different from the bigger boards' so the standard library does not work. You will not get a reading from the sensor. Instead, this library...
  4. Guenter Becker

    B4A Library CustomView RichTextEditor

    OUTDATED! New Version to, have look here: RTFeditor Version 2021 | B4X Programming Forum Hello to all forum Members, I hope all of you are well. Looking through the forum I find the library SMMRichEditor. Playing around with it I started a new project to use this lib to build a custom view...
  5. LordZenzo

    Share My Creation GiLoWordUtils
  6. LordZenzo


    Library [B4A, B4J} (plus 5 dictionaries provided, 5 languages: Italian, English, French, Spanish, Portuguese) which allows you to get words from a dictionary in various different ways (very useful for word games but not only): GetRandomWord WordExists FindAnagrams GetWordsFromLetters...
  7. LucaMs

    Android Code Snippet [B4X][Library] A solution to easily add your own code snippets?

    EDIT: Attached MySnippets.b4xlib and instructions about how you can add your own code snippets (see them after the line of asterisks in this post) Watch the animated gif in post #7 to see how to use this library...
  8. M

    Java Question Simple Library Compiler can't find AndroidX packages

    Hello, I'm trying to wrap a library, but when I try to compile it with Simple Library Compiler it says that it cant find the AndroidX packages that the library uses. However when I add let's say for example the androidx-core classes.jar to the libs folder it proceeds to the next package. The...
  9. M

    Java Question Wrap library as view instead of ActivityObject

    Hello, I managed to wrap a library but the only way i can currently use it is through the designer. Is there a way to wrap a library and display the UI with Activity.AddView(WrappedLibraryObject, left, top, width, height) i Followed this tutorial to wrap the library...
  10. S

    Android Question Error debug SQLCHIPER

    I have a B4A app where i using sqlchiper version 1.50 and try to run into emulator api28 but have this error: adb: failed to install SecureAccountManager_RAPID_DEBUG.apk: Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_NO_MATCHING_ABIS: Failed to extract native libraries, res=-113] I want to use new library of...
  11. Blueforcer

    B4J Question Compile "UI-App" to Non-UI App

    i develop non-UI libraries wich are loaded into a non-UI App. Now i want to make a UI scaffolding for the library to test it directly with a UI. My library class doesnt contains any jFX functions or the jFX library. So its not a real UI application. Only the Main file handles all the UI stuff...
  12. AmirMK82

    Java Question Python 3.8 in B4A

    Hi, Thanks for B4x team & libraries developers I have two questions with NinjaPython library: -How Can I import python libraries in it? -How to give the inputs to it? for example: x = input() Thanks in advance 🌸
  13. alis1200

    Java Question How to wrap Libs with java 8?

    Hi Is any way to wrap an android studio lib that syntaxed with java 8 to b4a lib? If it's impossible, say when java 8 syntax will be added to b4a? Thanx
  14. muhammadali213123

    Other Can I use xamarin libs in b4a ?

    Respected developers, There are many my favorite lib which aren't available or outdated for b4a. (like this one) So is there anyway I can use Xamarin projects or libraries in b4a ? Any workaround or any method ?
  15. walterf25

    Java Question Help (SumUp SDK Library Wrapper)

    Hi All, i am working on wrapping a library for a client, the jar file and xml file compile just fine, i have copied both files to my /additionallibraries folder but when I run an example app to test the library i get the following errors: I have copied the merchan-sdk-3.2.2.aar file to the...
  16. Mohsen Torabi

    B4A Library MaatisaLibs - Collection of Themes & Tools

    Hi to all. First of all, My English is bad so i am sorry. I am using B4A for long time, and I am thankful to B4X community and Erel, Because it changes my programming life. This is my first semi-pro;) library, So i hope it will be useful for you. This lib contains 4 Classes and one manifest...
  17. Programing Center

    Android Question Check is activity Resuming or no?

    Hello i using the PersianTimer library . This Library can Count Down number all the time! it means when activity is Paused, the timer is working too. so i use this code Private Sub timer_onTick(Tag As String,TimeUntil As Int) Time_Finish = TimeUntil Dim seconds, minutes As Int...
  18. carlos7000

    Spanish Extraer librería de un APK

    Hola a todos. Hace unos años cree una pequeña aplicación que incluía una sencilla librería de mi propiedad. Hoy he tratado de actualizar dicha aplicación pero el compilador me exige la librería, librería que he perdido. Escribir la librería de nuevo no es un gran problema, pero toma tiempo que...
  19. C

    Android Question Libraries Download Locations

    I've been trying to troubleshoot a httpJob issue and wanted to download different versions of the okhttpUtils library. However it is almost impossible to find these download links as far as I can figure out. I know there is a libraries section in the forum (obviously), but there doesn't seem to...
  20. S

    Share My Creation Find used libraries (B4A, B4J,B4In B4R)

    Hello, Sometimes you want to clean the additionnal folder, but are you sure a library is used or not in your projects ? This app lists all the libraries found in your projets. Select a folder, check project's type and you got it! In the left listview are the libraries found. In the right...