
  1. muhammadali213123

    Other Can I use xamarin libs in b4a ?

    Respected developers, There are many my favorite lib which aren't available or outdated for b4a. (like this one) So is there anyway I can use Xamarin projects or libraries in b4a ? Any workaround or any method ?
  2. walterf25

    Java Question Help (SumUp SDK Library Wrapper)

    Hi All, i am working on wrapping a library for a client, the jar file and xml file compile just fine, i have copied both files to my /additionallibraries folder but when I run an example app to test the library i get the following errors: I have copied the merchan-sdk-3.2.2.aar file to the...
  3. Mohsen Torabi

    B4A Library MaatisaLibs - Collection of Themes & Tools

    Hi to all. First of all, My English is bad so i am sorry. I am using B4A for long time, and I am thankful to B4X community and Erel, Because it changes my programming life. This is my first semi-pro;) library, So i hope it will be useful for you. This lib contains 4 Classes and one manifest...
  4. Programing Center

    Android Question Check is activity Resuming or no?

    Hello i using the PersianTimer library . This Library can Count Down number all the time! it means when activity is Paused, the timer is working too. so i use this code Private Sub timer_onTick(Tag As String,TimeUntil As Int) Time_Finish = TimeUntil Dim seconds, minutes As Int...
  5. carlos7000

    Spanish Extraer librería de un APK

    Hola a todos. Hace unos años cree una pequeña aplicación que incluía una sencilla librería de mi propiedad. Hoy he tratado de actualizar dicha aplicación pero el compilador me exige la librería, librería que he perdido. Escribir la librería de nuevo no es un gran problema, pero toma tiempo que...
  6. C

    Android Question Libraries Download Locations

    I've been trying to troubleshoot a httpJob issue and wanted to download different versions of the okhttpUtils library. However it is almost impossible to find these download links as far as I can figure out. I know there is a libraries section in the forum (obviously), but there doesn't seem to...
  7. S

    Share My Creation Find used libraries (B4A, B4J,B4In B4R)

    Hello, Sometimes you want to clean the additionnal folder, but are you sure a library is used or not in your projects ? This app lists all the libraries found in your projets. Select a folder, check project's type and you got it! In the left listview are the libraries found. In the right...
  8. DALB

    Android Question Camera preview of cameraKit Library rotated at 90°

    Hello everyone, I use cameraKit library, but my camera preview presents a view (in the panel) which is 90° rotated regarding to the object I wish to take. I didn't find a propertiy which permits me to change this angle to 0°. Did I miss something or How can I do ? Thanks much for giving me a way.
  9. P

    Android Question App crashes without any error

    Hello my app was working fine until i came to work on it but there was an error -> Maven artifact not found: (It was working before this error) So i opened sdk manager and selected AND...
  10. alwaysbusy

    B4J Library [BANano] Dragula library, drag & drop made easy

    This is a wrap of the Dragula js library ( which makes it very easy to add drag & drop to almost everyone element. Included in the zip is: Demo Library LibrarySourceCode Usage: Copy the b4xlib to your Additional Libraries folder Pick it in your project Dim...

    Android Question ironsource advertising library

    Hello friends:) Which is the best and new " ironsource advertising library " for b4a ? Thank you ?

    Android Question InMobi advertising library

    Hello friends:) Which is the best inmobi advertising library. Is there a library in B4x?
  13. M

    iOS Question iSVG Library Error

    Hi everyone, i'm coding an app for iOS, i always tried with my iPhoneXR Now i tried to run the same app on iPad and it crashes on loading an SVG File. *** Assertion failure in +[SVGLength pixelsPerInchForCurrentDevice], /Users/b4j/Downloads/SVGKit-2.x/Source/DOM classes/SVG-DOM/SVGLength.m:197...
  14. rleiman

    Android Question [SOLVED] Documentation for CameraKit

    Greetings, The CameraKit library is very nice but I'm looking to see if anyone has documented the library. I noticed there are some descriptions on some of the properties and functions of the library but I'm hoping for some more detailed documentation. In particular I'm wanting to find out...

    I Need to Create a Wrapper from Java Library Code

    Hi, everybody I need to create a B4A library from Java Lib This is the library code: The job budget is US$ 50 and the expected delivery time is 4-7 days after the start - wait for proposals. Please help me, i am just a poor scientist...
  16. solutionhacker

    Android Question SDK Compatibility for DJI Mavic Mini

    Hello, Does anyone know if there will be any compatibility or updates for the B4A library to support the latest release of the DJI Mavic Mini? It seems like this is one of DJI's most lightweight and improved quadcopter yet released. Unfortunately, I was not able to find anything on DJI's...
  17. Chianca

    Android Question Using .aar library with JavaObject

    Hello, How can I use an .aar Library inside my B4A project? I've already added #AdditionalJar, but now, I want to call the methods of the Library. #AdditionalJar: libposdigital-1.4.0-2-release.aar
  18. L

    Android Question Third part library - JavaObject

    Hi All, I have to intercept, from an Android device, an event raised from a library of the device. I added the library with #AdditionalJar: companyregdevicelibrary In this library there is an "IButton" object that I initialize with JavaObject Dim CompDevice As JavaObject...
  19. IoSonoPiero

    B4J Question [SOLVED] How to enable Jaybird library

    Hello people, I'm trying to figure out how to add jaybird library to a test project I'm doing because I want to connect to a Firebird database. So, from Firebird JDBC Driver page I've downloaded "" file and I've decompressed it. I copied "jaybird-3.0.6.jar" file into a...
  20. Chris Tyrie

    Wish VEML6075 Library wrap

    I give up. I can't wrap libraries. The data I get is nonsensical. Can someone wrap either... There's an under the table bribe to your paypal...