
  1. fat32

    B4A Library [B4X] [XUI] XQ XPandPanel

    An expandable panel with a titlebar (xq-titlebar), than can host any other view, inside the panel. It can have up to 5 icons in the right corner, one icon in the left corner and the title is auto-adjustable. The panel can also be animated while expanding/collapsing. Features: Up to 5 icons on...
  2. User242424

    B4i Library iAXMaterialProgress

    Hello World! Another B4i Library: A material style progress wheel for iOS ? See library in Github This is how it looks in indeterminate mode (the spinSpeed here is 0.64 which is the default, look below how to change it): And in determinate mode (here the spinSpeed is set to 0.333)...
  3. AmirMK82

    Android Question Original Ripple Effect

    HI, ? Thanks B4X Team For Developing b4a :) I Have A Question: How can I use Android original ripple effect for Buttons and Imageviews?? I tested some libraries but they didn't good :( Please Give Me A Good Library Or Give me a code for Android Original ripple effects on imageview and buttons...
  4. Lucas Siqueira

    Android Question [RESOLVED] Material icon selector field in custom view

    Is there a way to place the material icon selector in a custom view field? Note, I will have the text field, icon field and label field ...
  5. P

    B4A Library AnimateProgressBar - Standard Progress Bars are Animated Now

    Hi This library animates standard progress bars. It doesn't add any view Animation is smoother on a real device. this is a gif. Example: Sub Globals Private ProgressBar1 As ProgressBar Private RndPb As Button Dim apb As AnimateProgressBar End Sub Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime...
  6. Mashiane

    Share My Creation [BANanoVMDesign] Drag n Drop WYSIWYG Web Form Designer

    Ola 2020-03-19 : This is now part of the BANanoVueMaterial open source library. This project is based on a functional BANanoVueMaterial library I am working on. An extension of the BANanoVue project I explored here. Ever since I started working on the PDFDesign project for generating PDF...
  7. Dave O

    Android Code Snippet adding Material icons to text

    The MaterialIcons font is handy for creating icon-only buttons. You can do this right in the Designer. If, however, you want to add an icon to some existing button text (say, a "Save" button with a checkmark before the "Save" text), you can't do this directly in the Designer because the...
  8. Multiverse app

    Wish Android Studio like Activity Chooser

    Suggestion to add some default templates like Android Studio, in which developers can choose the desired Activities. Users can customize the designs from there on from the manifest. After choosing a template, appropriate libraries will automatically be added and an entry in the Manifest will...
  9. Dave O

    Wish update for latest Material and FA icons?

    I'm working through my apps, replacing icon bitmaps with icon fonts wherever I can (an easy way to support various sizes of icons). In B4A 8.50, I just noticed that some Material icons are missing - that is, they are available on but not in the font packaged with B4A. I know that...
  10. Mashiane

    Share My Creation I Am Too: A Text2Speech Book by Dr Kenneth Patterson

    Enjoying... Get your I Am Too website to listen to the first 3 chapters on your computer. Watch in HD... Listen to the first three chapters of this amazing book on Ta!
  11. Marcus Araujo

    Android Example Solving "Font asset not found" from library

    I developed a class (compiled in library) that makes use of Typeface.MATERIALICONS, but when I tried using it there was this error: java.lang.RuntimeException: Font asset not found b4x_materialicons.ttf I could not find a thread summarizing this problem in this forum for a workout, but the...
  12. R

    Android Question Login Activity call

    Hi, I am devoloping a project from the this example In this case, my app nedd a login activity, this is the code of main activity: Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean) If (FirstTime) Then...
  13. FrostCodes

    B4J Question Who is up to join me in my b4j Framework creation

    Recently i have been working on a framework for b4j that allows you to manipulate strings, data, data types with utilities functions that i am sure you would find useful especially the math utility for advance mathematical calculations and also it have a GUI like material UI part that support...
  14. Mashiane

    Best Web Material Framework Apps

    Just ran across a Material based web app, uses cordova also. Speechless, this is impressive. 1. I'm exploring this for a survey that I need to do quickly. Do you have anything that you have seen material based that's awesome???
  15. Multiverse app

    Wish The new material design 2.0

    Google just announced the new material design guidelines in their Google IO 2018 As for now, no application in the market has implemented these beautiful designs. The early adopters will surely...
  16. Multiverse app

    Android Tutorial Mastering Shadows in Android