
  1. Z

    Android Question check if something is printed

    Hi... I have Android device with an integrated printer. Make and model are irrelevant. My app must collect printed data, so the manufacturer created a small API for that. I'm accessing that API on timer, but if I can somehow see that something is being printed I can only then access API...
  2. H

    Android Tutorial Print Made Easy

    After understanding this approach, printing will be painless for you forever. Requirements: - Any pdf file generation tool, I used HtmlToPdf lib. - Any base64 converting tool, I used Base64EncodeDecodeImage lib. - Rawbt printing service app, it is free and most downloaded app in play market...
  3. N

    Android Question Epson (ESC/POS) commands - Printer

    Hello, I have an usb printer (i don't know it's model neither it's codepage, i can not print it and i don't have any documentation) and i have made the connection with my app. I can send POS/ESC commands and print my result but if i try to send a POS/ESC command using an "n" 2 digit number, the...
  4. walterf25

    B4J Question JavaScript Printer Help

    Hi all, I am still trying to get my cheap printer to work, I have obtained the attached files from the manufacturer, unfortunately my javascript knowledge is very little, How would I go around using this libraries with Abmaterial. I have the following code so far: Dim jsval As String =...
  5. Star-Dust

    B4A Library SD EscPos Printer (Lan,USB, Bluetooth SPP, BLE)

    This library allows you to print with thermal printers compatible with the ESC POS language in 4 different communication channels (USB, Bluetooth SPP, BLE, LAN) you can download the ble3 library from here The DEMO version prints one minute every 2. The full version of the library will be issued...
  6. Star-Dust

    B4J Library [B4X] SD Zebra (printer)

    This library is the result of my first approach with Zebra printers. I started by connecting via LAN (or Wi-Fi) ZPL language. I plan to connect via BLE and perhaps also via USB. Have a good time. Preview only works if you have an internet connection For ESC/POS Printer see here The Demo version...
  7. A

    Java Library Convert to B4a for BT Printer What will be cost, need Developer for that.

    Dear Friends, i have a Printer ANALOGICS PDF file and LIbrary File received from Printer Supplier is attached herewith. The same i want to use it in b4a. and want to print receipt using different size fonts. (i don't need to print barcode. ) anybody who is expert in b4a , will develop...
  8. Pedro Caldeira

    Android Question EscPOSPRinter and Android 1

    Hello, I need help, if possible. I have a B4A App that+ uses @agraham EscPosPrinter class to print to a BT Printer (40 columns). It works flawlessly, except in Android 11. It prints the first ticket and stop ate the middle of the second one Attached I send you an example from a Android 8 tablet...
  9. Pedro Caldeira

    Android Question EscPosPrinter and Android 11

    Hello All, My App prints (EscPOS Bluetooth printer) without errors or issues in Android 8 thru 10, but in Android 11 (Samsung Tab Active3) it can't print the whole ticket It always stop half way, even with resets between the prints, and after it misprints, I cannot print anything else. I have to...
  10. P

    B4J Library Applies to JFX8Print How can you set the print margins

    Applies to JFX8Print How can you set the print margins without using the ShowPageSetupDialog. JFX8Print always prints with a margin. I want to set the margin to 0. I don't find the possibility to adjust the border anywhere.
  11. A

    iOS Question Bluetooth ESC/POS Printer Class

    Hello How can I use the code of this link in b4i? is it possible?
  12. MitchBu

    Android Question Still struggling with printer.printpdf()

    My check app is coming along fine, thanks to B4A, but I am facing a show stopper with both laser printers HP and Brother. First time around, I get a preview, and the printer prints nicely. Second time I try to print, I get a preview, then printer error. No detail available. I cannot release...
  13. R

    Android Question Zebra Printer

    Hi EREL , can you Help me to translate this program to print on ZEBRA PRINTER bluetooth(BLE) I use example to search and connect zebra printer and it run ok. ref for ZEBRA...
  14. Star-Dust

    B4i Library iSD BLE Printer

    I am happy to present my library to print with Iphone (and iPad) with Bluetooh (BLE). Now I can print the images. If you want to have the activation code (Freeing all the functions) contact me in private. (For B4J versione see Here, for B4A versione see Here, for ZEBRA printer Here) This...
  15. Star-Dust

    B4J Library jSD: Bluetooth Printer

    BT_Printer library allows you to print text and image to a bluetooth thermal printers It is similar to the BT_Printer library for Android (BLE_Printer for iOS), and implementations, events and methods are almost identical. We are working to have the same library for all platforms. On iOS it will...
  16. C

    Android Question Bluetooth Printing with AsyncStreams

    I wrote an application a little while ago to print to a Bluetooth printer. It worked, but occasionally it would lock up. I was using a TextWriter, which I subsequently found out was not the way to go, with AsyncStreams being the preferred way to go. I've just created a small sample application...
  17. Peter Simpson

    B4J Tutorial ? Printing on A4 and Letter sized paper

    Hello all, As the title say, this is a quick tutorial on how to print on A4 or Letter sized paper using the follow information provided by Steve Laming (better known as @stevel05). CLICK HERE for B4J Print JavaFX 8 I have attached two PDF files showing example printouts for both A4 and letter...
  18. L

    Android Question Public Bluetooth Connection

    I have a special application where an Android device is configured as a kiosk and it is placed at a public location. Anyone having a special app in his/her phone is invited to send messages to this device via Bluetooth. I would want my Android device to behave like a printer - user scans for...
  19. Star-Dust

    B4A Library SD: BT Printer Bluetooth

    ANNOUNCEMENT Starting today, this library will be abandoned and will no longer be distributed. A new, more comprehensive Android library for ESC/POS thermal printers will be released. (BT, BLE, LAN, USB) (here) (No WRAP, No Java Only B4A) BT_Printer library allows you to print text and...