
  1. mcqueccu

    B4J Code Snippet Open Encrypted Sqlite Databases with B4J (SQLCipher)

    Download the JDBC from this GitHub, and place it in your Additional folder In your Main Module, use #AdditionalJar to add your jdbc. Add JSQL library The following JDBC has been tested and works fine. You can use any of them '#AdditionalJar: sqlite-jdbc-3.30.0 '#AdditionalJar...
  2. P

    Database field selector tool using SQLite and MySQL with drag and drop feature

    Check out the second spoiler. It's another example of the possible integration of this application. This small application might be a great help in creating reports and SQL statements. In the first tab you can select a SQLite database file and get all the tables in that database. In the...
  3. Guenter Becker

    Android Question Resultset

    Good Day hopping you are all well, I have a question concerning Database and Resultset. For Example if I am performing an SQL INSERT or UPDATE the data saved in the database ist changed but the data in the resultset is not! I understood that this objects are independend from each other and that...
  4. C

    B4J Question Reading SQL DB script from a file

    I am trying to create an SQLIte database, build and populate its tables from code using the SQL object from jSQL library. I want to read the SQL script/queries from a text file but am finding when I do that I get an error: org.sqlite.SQLiteException: [SQLITE_ERROR] SQL error or missing database...
  5. mohdosala

    Android Question UPDATE SQL not working using ExecQuery2

    Hi there. I'm having trouble updating my sql database using ExecQuery2. It works when I'm trying to use SELECT command. But I think it's not working when I'm trying to use UPDATE command. This is my table: and here is the interface of my app: users can add their own titles using that plus...
  6. W

    Share My Creation wmSQLtableSync - SQL table synchronisation between two databases [Class] [Source included] [B4A] [B4J]

    Why/What? A CloudKVS didn't cover my needs so I developed this class. Features: - It synchronises a table between two SQL instances; one is called the Client, the other the Server - All columns that exist in the Server table must be present in the Client table - Additional columns that exist in...
  7. W

    Share My Creation wmCRUD - a generic class for CRUD operations on an SQL(ite) database (with source code) [B4J] [SQL] [SQLite] [CRUD] [Class]

    Abstract Another one in my 'I don't like doing repetitive stuff' repertoire. The rationale for this one is to avoid having to code the 'boring stuff', i.e. CRUD for data tables (usually slightly or completely different than others from other programs) in a new program, again and again. The idea...
  8. J

    Android Question Problems with SQL, external storage and Android 14

    Hello everyone My name is Juanjo, I've been using B4A since a long time (I started with b4ppc) but at an amateur level. I hope you understand my sort knowledge on this. Since the beggining y made a program that uses SQlite database to adquire data manually, only with the keyboard, I've been...
  9. Serge Nova

    Android Tutorial B4A Social Network Version 1.50

    Hello every one, The old version (1.30) of this social network can be found in this link: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4a-social-network-version-1-30.141765/#post-921065 After several days of work, version 1.50 of this social network which brings the correction and several...
  10. F

    Android Question XUIViews having issues with MODBUS TCP?

    Hello team, i have i little strange issue, the thing is when im trying to compile my app, gets me this error when this XUIViews Library is active Dex merge Error Error in C:\Android\tools\..\extras\b4a_local\unpacked-modbustcp-63803597595704\dex_v1\modbustcp.zip:classes.dex: Type...
  11. F

    Android Question Read Rows from a Excel File

    Hello guys, hope you are doing well! I have been trying to extract some values of a Excel, everything just works fine but im having some issues with the reading of this values. Sub CC_Result (Success As Boolean, Dir As String, FileName As String) Dim suC As StringUtils...
  12. Alexander Stolte

    Android Example [B4X] Supabase - Database Joins

    https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-supabase-the-open-source-firebase-alternative.149855/ In the following example I make a join into the "public.users" table and need the column "username" from it. Dim Query As Supabase_DatabaseSelect = xSupabase.Database.SelectData...
  13. F

    Android Question Update .db File from CODE ||| Actualizar archivo .db desde codigo

    So basically what im trying to do is after that i have created some tables in a database, add some values to this tables is update all .db file. I already had initialize my SQL .db file and check if its no duplicate and stuff like that. All works like a charm but when i close my app, this...
  14. peacemaker

    B4J Tutorial SQLite or MySQL database

    For any project where a database is required - it's very important to have possibility to see the database data, to debug the app. If the app is used on a remote server host, and the database is getting bigger and bigger - it's not comfortable to see file-based SQLite database, as file copying...
  15. peacemaker

    B4J Code Snippet [SQL] DButils v.2.5 for SQLite and MySQL

    One my project has to be using not only SQLite database (actually, two different ones, as separate classes), but MySQL also, due to big size that now is more convenient to see via web-browser remotely (without downloading big SQLite db file). So, i have combined 2 DBUtils modules: latest...
  16. R

    Android Question Problem with Length function in B4XTable SQL

    Just started to experiment with B4XTable, using the provided example project as provided by Erel in the first post regarding B4XTable. I added some extra options to the search facility, edited the Subs: Public Sub BuildQuery Private Sub ImplUpdateDataFromQuery Public Sub BuildQuery...
  17. Luis_FY

    Spanish Consultar el nombre de las tablas en una base de datos

    Saludos amigos, estoy tratando de hacer una app usando SQL, hasta ahorita no hay problema para crear desde mi app una base de datos interna y crear n cantidad de tablas para manejar una por día por poner un ejemplo. El problema principal que tengo es que si nombro a una Tabla A1 y vuelvo a...
  18. fernando1987

    B4A Library ✨ Magic API Library: Build a Powerful Server-Side REST API with MySQL and File Management in Just 5 Minutes! 🚀

    ⚡️ Unleash the API Power: Magic API for Seamless B4X Integration ? Greetings, B4X enthusiasts! Today, I'm thrilled to unveil the magic behind our latest creation—the Magic API. Elevate your B4X applications with streamlined API integration, simplifying CRUD operations effortlessly. From...
  19. T

    Android Question B4A SQLite error when inserting data into database (Can't Find Table Name)

    Hello, Friends! As I am new to B4A and I am just a student, I am working on an app/game that needs to connect to a database. In this case, I am currently using DB Browser for SQLite. I created a table named "Questions" in DB Browser and has some attributes in it. But when I try to insert...
  20. N

    Android Question scrollView cant connect to Sql database (internal Sql )

    Hello, I had asked about my problem near week ago and it solved but when I made a new Activity and new layout with scrollview Unfortunatly I faced conecting scrollview and Sql table ,I couldnt figur out how to solve it even I tried so much thus I decided to ask if any body can give me hand in...