
  1. Lucas Siqueira

    Android Question select limit 1 in error

    #Region Shared Files #CustomBuildAction: folders ready, %WINDIR%\System32\Robocopy.exe,"..\..\Shared Files" "..\Files" 'Ctrl + click to sync files: ide://run?file=%WINDIR%\System32\Robocopy.exe&args=..\..\Shared+Files&args=..\Files&FilesSync=True #End Region 'Ctrl + click to export as zip...
  2. Mashiane

    B4J Tutorial [Web] PocketBase - deploying your SQLite WebServer back-end on Railway.app

    Hi One is able to host Pocketbase on Railway.app. This deployment is based on Docker Image. You need a GitHub account. 1. Create an account on Railway.app and link to your Github. 2. Click this link to publish a PocketBase instance on port 8090 there...
  3. Rodolfo Descamps

    Share My Creation Project Runner. Integrated Development Environment for apps that use sqlite database.

    Project Runner is a non-code tool for developing Android apps using SQLite. This tool can work without an Internet connection. This application provides an intuitive user interface for creating and updating SQLite databases, adding and editing tables, defining and managing relationships between...
  4. S

    B4J Question When using variable with sqlite, error unrecognized token: ":"

    Hi, Can't figure out why this works: Dim RS3 As ResultSet = Main.SQL2.ExecQuery("SELECT Fullpath, Filename, Size, Date, Time FROM DblFiles WHERE Fullpath = 'C:\temp\{C}\'") But this does not, while the variable beholds the same string: Dim RS3 As ResultSet = Main.SQL2.ExecQuery("SELECT...
  5. F

    Android Question Export SQLite

    I have an application with a SQLite database. How can I make it export table to CSV, JSON, or any other format, and upload it to FTP or send it via email? In principle, these will be very small tables, with a maximum of 2 keys, 10 fields, and at most a few thousand records. Later I am also...
  6. F

    Android Question SQLite & MySQL Connection

    Hello, today is my 3rd day using this wonderful tool, and I would like to create a simple program, for example, an Product Inventory. Let me explain: The program should have the capability to establish a connection via jrdc2 to a server, enabling the seamless transfer and creation of a table...
  7. aeric

    Share My Creation [Web] Support Ticketing System

    Current version: 1.03 Status: Released Price: $150 $112.50 (25% off New Year Promotion until 28 Feb 2025) What's new? Preview Demo Video FAQs
  8. J

    Android Question Update SQLite Version

    Hi, I want to ask. I run query on SQLite SELECT sqlite_version() and it return 3.22.0. I want to update the SQLite to 3.25.2 (at least, latest if possible) because I want to use Row Number feature that was released on that version. Is there any way to update?
  9. J

    Android Question Result Set crash when fetching NextRow

    Hi, I want to ask a little question. I have a project that take 8 image using camera intent. I put the picture in B4XImageView, after that I get the bitmap and save it to SQLite. Few reason why I must save to SQLite. - I need to send this bitmap (will be converted to Base64) to web server via...
  10. Lakhtin_V

    Android Question SQLite syntax request error

    I am successfully using SQLite in my application. Requests are processed and tables are updated. I wanted to make a "filter" that would save me from duplicating records. 1. I created a checksum field - CRC. 2. Made this field CRC as primary key. I specified a condition in the request if we are...
  11. W

    B4J Library [Class] [B4J] [SQLite] wmSQLiteSelectBuilder - a more or less graphical builder for SQLite SELECT statements

    As I don't use SQLite (or any other SQL) all the time and am no database expert, it's always a bit of a challenge to get the SELECT syntax right, specifically when relationships between tables (JOINs) come into play. There's that, and the fact that it was fun to develop (and I wanted to have the...
  12. fernando1987

    Share My Creation TODO-LIST

    Hello, I share my application to create task lists. If you want to try it, you can download it from here. The source code is also for sale at the following link: https://b4xapp.com/item/todolist-source-code- features: sqlite database Notification when a task is due or overdue Beautiful UI...
  13. B

    Android Question SQLite not updating after exit program

    Hello, I have an Android app that I created a year ago. It does updates to a SQLite database installed with the app. It worked fine on Android 10 but with Android 12 when we make changes and then exit the app the changes are not saved. When we restart the app it starts with the data just like...
  14. Guenter Becker

    Android Question SQLite & SQLCipher Error Trapping

    Hello, hope you are all fine. Today my question to the professionals is concerning the use of SQL or SQLCIPHER Library. If we do any sql action via the library like an insert a.s.o. it might be possible to fall into an error situation because for example we are going to insert a record with a...
  15. Guenter Becker

    B4A Library TDDBUtils Functions to handle SQLite and SQLCipher

    Library: TDDBUtils.b4xlib Language: B4A Version 1.8 Manual: Version 1.5.2 (did some checks and improvements, added SQLCipher tutorial) Status: Work in Process (C) This library is free for non commercial use other use see manual. New to 1.8: optimized code fixed some errors Added grouping and...
  16. L

    B4J Question TableView crashes after 100 refreshes

    Lectori Salutem, I've run into this oddity where a tableview crashes after it has been reloaded exactly 100 times. It's no use to do it in a loop, that doesn't refresh the table properly but when you click the button 100 times and let the table reload properly the app crashes (not joking)...
  17. Xela

    Italian Modulo DBRequestManager per VB.Net

    Buongiorno a tutti Mi trovo con un problema che devo risolvere velocemente. Ho un server dove si trova un applicativo web (fatto in Python e al quale si collegano diversi tablets), un paio di applicazioni VB.Net, e l'applicazione jRDC2 che mi consente di connettermi con dei palmari con...
  18. LucaMs

    B4J Library [B4XLib] lmB4XSQLiteDump

    Based on this @KMatle's tutorial, this library allows you to dump SQLite database tables. I used this yesterday to create the import-export feature of my lmSnippetManager DB. Paying attention to which tables to import first, due to the relationships, it is sufficient to replace the instructions...
  19. LucaMs

    Android Question SQLite SOUNDEX

    Is there any way to activate SOUNDEX in SQLite? android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: no such function: SOUNDEX (Sqlite code 1): , while compiling:... https://www.sqlite.org/compile.html#soundex
  20. Guenter Becker

    B4A Library TDDButils Database Management for SQlite and SQLiteCipher

    Name: TDDBUtils Type: b4a, b4xlib Version: 1 (C): TechDoc G. Becker Royalty Free for Personally/Commercial use for B4X Board Members This additional B4A library makes the live of standard Database Management for SQLite (unencrypted) and SQLiteCipher (encrypted) Databases a little bit easier...