
  1. W

    Android Tutorial Athom Pre-Flashed TASMOTA Infrared Remote Controller with B4X (Home Automation)

    Posted in the B4J forum: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/athom-pre-flashed-tasmota-infrared-remote-controller-with-b4x-home-automation.158628/
  2. W

    B4J Tutorial Athom Pre-Flashed TASMOTA Infrared Remote Controller with B4X (Home Automation)

    I got my mitts on this IR remote controller gadget: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005772315510.html What's unusual about this one, is that it comes pre-flashed with Tasmota, which makes it extremely simple to control it with your software, without having to tinker with the hardware...