B4J Tutorial Simple analog Clock

Nothing spectacular - a simple analog clock made entirely from static and rotating ImageViews and a bit of code. The movement of the hands are much smoother than in the below GIF


Simple B4J analog clock:
#Region Project Attributes
    #MainFormWidth: 400
    #MainFormHeight: 400
#End Region

Sub Process_Globals
    Private fx As JFX
    Private MainForm As Form
    Private xui As XUI

    Dim t As Timer                                   'timer - tick every second
    Dim cntsec, cntmin, cnthr As Float = 0.0         'they will hold the Int values of day of month, month, year
    Private ImageView1 As B4XView                    'the minute hand
    Private ImageView2 As B4XView                    'The clock face image                    '
    Private ImageView3 As B4XView                    'The hour hand
    Private ImageView4 As B4XView                    'The second hand
    Dim sekonde As Float = 0                         'angle of seconds
    Dim minuut As Float = 0                          'angle of minutes
    Dim uur As Float = 0                             'angle of hours
    Private Label1 As Label                          'the year
    Private Label2 As Label                          'the day of month
    Private Label3 As Label                          'string of the month (eg Jan, Feb, etc)
End Sub

Sub AppStart (Form1 As Form, Args() As String)
    MainForm = Form1

    t.Initialize("t", 1000)                                 'initialize the timer
    t.Enabled = True                                        'start the timer
    setClock                                                'get the hour, minute, second from DateTime.GetSecond/GetMinute/GetHour(DateTime.Now)
    ImageView4.Rotation = sekonde                           'move the seconds needle to the correct angle
    ImageView1.Rotation = minuut                            'move the minutes needle to the correct angle
    ImageView3.Rotation = uur                               'move the hours needle to the correct angle
    Label1.Text = DateTime.GetYear(DateTime.Now)            'set the label text - current year
    Label2.Text = DateTime.GetDayOfMonth(DateTime.Now)      'set the lable text - current day of the month
    Dim mnd As Int = DateTime.GetMonth(DateTime.Now)        'get the current month (an Int)
    setmonth(mnd)                                           'convert month Int to month String

End Sub

Sub setClock
    cntsec = DateTime.GetSecond(DateTime.Now)               'get the currect value of Second
    cntmin = DateTime.GetMinute(DateTime.Now)               'get the current value of Minute
    cnthr = DateTime.GetHour(DateTime.Now)                  'get the current value of Hour
    If cnthr > 12 Then
        cnthr = cnthr - 12                                  'we are dealing with a 12hr clock - so subtract 12 from hours if hours is greater than 12
    End If
    sekonde = 360 * cntsec/60                                           'calc the angle of the seconds hand
    minuut = (360 * cntmin/60) + (360 * cntsec/(60*60))                 'calc the angle of the minute hand
    uur = (360 * cnthr/12) + (6.0 * cntmin/12) + (6* cntmin/12/60)   'calc the angle of the hour hand
End Sub

Sub t_tick

    setClock                                                         'get the hour, minute, second from DateTime.GetSecond/GetMinute/GetHour(DateTime.Now)                                                    '
    RotateViewShortestArc(ImageView4, 1000, sekonde)                 'animate the seconds hand to the correct new angle
    Sleep(0)                                                         'sleep a bit
    RotateViewShortestArc(ImageView3, 1000, uur)                     'animate the hour and to the correct new angle
    Sleep(0)                                                         'sleep a bit more
    RotateViewShortestArc(ImageView1, 1000, minuut)                  'animate the second hand to the correct new angle
    Sleep(0)                                                         '...and sleep even more
    Label2.Text = DateTime.GetDayOfMonth(DateTime.Now)               'set the day of month inside the clock
    Label1.Text = DateTime.GetYear(DateTime.Now)                     'set the year inside the clock
    setmonth(DateTime.GetMonth(DateTime.Now))                        'set the month inside the clock - look up the String of the month in Sub setmonth
End Sub

Sub RotateViewShortestArc (v As B4XView, Duration As Int, Target As Float)   'from a posting of Erel - shortest Arc/route to the new angular position
    Dim Rotation As Float = v.Rotation
    Dim dx As Float = (Target - Rotation) Mod 360
    If dx > 180 Then
        dx = -(360 - dx)
    Else if dx < -180 Then
        dx = 360 + dx
    End If
    v.SetRotationAnimated(Duration, Rotation + dx)

End Sub

Sub setmonth(mnd As Int)                             'get the string of the month(Int)
    Select mnd
        Case 1
            Label3.Text = "Jan"
        Case 2
            Label3.Text = "Feb"
        Case 3
            Label3.Text = "Mar"
        Case 4
            Label3.Text = "Apr"
        Case 5
            Label3.Text = "May"
        Case 6
            Label3.Text = "Jun"
        Case 7
            Label3.Text = "Jul"
        Case 8
            Label3.Text = "Aug"
        Case 9
            Label3.Text = "Sep"
        Case 10
            Label3.Text = "Oct"
        Case 11
            Label3.Text = "Nov"
        Case 12
            Label3.Text = "Dec"
    End Select
End Sub


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