Android Question 550 error using FTP


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Good evening all

I am trying to download a file from a server but I get the following error

java.lang.RuntimeException: Error retrieving file. (LastException.Message)
550 I can only retrieve regular files

The download code is
        Dim sf As Object = ftp.DownloadFile(ServerPathName, True ,Starter.gAppDirectory,"test.txt")
        Wait For (sf) ftp_DownloadCompleted (ServerPath As String, Success As Boolean)

I have Changed True to False
I have tried many file types that are on the server (.txt,. csv, .html, .xls etc etc) Nothing will download

I have been able to successfully get a directory listing of files and folders but cannot download a single file

The aim is to download several files but atm I can't get anything to work

I can upload and download the same files with Filezilla without issue

My settings are

I am using Net v1.81
I have searched the forums but I cant find anything to shed any light

Anyone have a clue as to what is happening here?
Sometimes we don't see what is staring us in the face

I had the ServerPathName but neglected to add the filename itself

It should have been

    Dim sf As Object = ftp.DownloadFile(Starter.ServerPathName & "/filename.csv", True,dir, "Test.csv")
    Wait For (sf) ftp_DownloadCompleted (ServerPath As String, Success As Boolean)

Thank you for your input and help


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Thanks for the reply Erel

I tried to connect using filezilla and SFTP but it wouldn't connect so it's definitely FTP

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I have tried with a different FTP site and depending if i use

Dim sf As Object = ftp.DownloadFile(ServerPath False ,Starter.gAppDirectory,"filename.csv")
Wait For (sf) ftp_DownloadCompleted (ServerPath As String, Success As Boolean)

ftp.DownloadFile(ServerPathName, True ,Starter.gAppDirectory,Starter.DataCsv)

I get 2 different error messages connection closed
java.lang.RuntimeException: Error retrieving file.
200 Type set to ASCII


I can list the files however and filezilla allows me upload and download

I have also used all combinations of true and false with no effect
I have also tried deleting the file already in the destination path first, nothing seems to work
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ftp error 550 means insufficient permissions OR so such file or folder. we don't know what you have as ServerPathName, so it's hard to know which situation your 550 covers. also, we don't know how you initialized the server.

in addition, referring to the other ftp site, you posted:
Dim sf As Object = ftp.DownloadFile(ServerPath False ,Starter.gAppDirectory,"filename.csv")

this couldn't even compile as you are missing a comma (",") between ServerPath and False

also, unless the site is a dedicated ftp site, you could try with okhttputils2 and download like that. is the site also a regular http(s) site?
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Thanks for the reply

The site(s) are FTP dedicated sites, I have used a regular site, no change
As I say I can download ok with an FTP client like filezilla and I see nothin unusual in the settings. The only thing is the site does prefer TLS as per screen shot but will accept clear and anonymous
The missing comma is just a typo because I manually changed True to false in that posting so you could see the difference. The compilation does happen, the program runs and lists all files I have uploaded and the folders. The error comes at a download
The serverpath Name as supplied by the ftp server is simply "/htdocs". I have tried adding a trailing "/" to the path with no effect
Using the serverpathname gives me a full directory listing

Any other ideas?

Thanks again
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Sometimes we don't see what is staring us in the face

I had the ServerPathName but neglected to add the filename itself

It should have been

    Dim sf As Object = ftp.DownloadFile(Starter.ServerPathName & "/filename.csv", True,dir, "Test.csv")
    Wait For (sf) ftp_DownloadCompleted (ServerPath As String, Success As Boolean)

Thank you for your input and help
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