iOS Tutorial Background Fetch (Downloads)

Background fetch feature allows applications to run for a short period of time (up to 30 seconds) while in the background.

The steps required to use this service are:
1. Add the fetch mode declaration:
#PlistExtra: <key>UIBackgroundModes</key><array><string>fetch</string></array>
2. Download the attached zip file and copy main.m to <project>\Files\Special.
3. Set the minimum interval (measured in seconds) with this code:
Dim no As NativeObject = App
no.RunMethod("setMinimumBackgroundFetchInterval:", Array(0)) '0 = minimum interval

4. Handle the Application_FetchDownload event. It will be raised whenever your app is waked by this service:
Private Sub Application_FetchDownload
   Dim ln As Notification
   ln.AlertBody = "Fetch download..."
   ln.PlaySound = True
End Sub

5. When you completed the task you should run this code:
Dim no As NativeObject = App
   no = no.GetField("delegate")
   no.RunMethod("completeFetch:", Array(0))
Note that you can run this code from any sub you like (JobDone for example).
The number (0 in the code above) is the UIBackgroundFetchResult. 0 means NewData.
The other values are listed here:

From my tests, with the minimum interval set to 0, the OS wakes the app every 10 - 15 minutes (when the screen is on).

#Region  Project Attributes
   #ApplicationLabel: Background Fetch
   #Version: 1.0.0
   #iPhoneOrientations: Portrait, LandscapeLeft, LandscapeRight
   #iPadOrientations: Portrait, LandscapeLeft, LandscapeRight, PortraitUpsideDown
   #PlistExtra: <key>UIBackgroundModes</key><array><string>fetch</string></array>
#End Region

Sub Process_Globals
   Public App As Application
   Public NavControl As NavigationController
   Private Page1 As Page

End Sub

Private Sub Application_Start (Nav As NavigationController)
   NavControl = Nav
   Page1.Title = "Page 1"
   Page1.RootPanel.Color = Colors.White
   Dim no As NativeObject = App
   no.RunMethod("setMinimumBackgroundFetchInterval:", Array(0))
End Sub

Private Sub Application_FetchDownload
   Dim ln As Notification
   ln.AlertBody = "Fetch download..."
   ln.PlaySound = True

   Dim no As NativeObject = App
   no = no.GetField("delegate")
   no.RunMethod("completeFetch:", Array(0))
End Sub


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If I have

#PlistExtra: <key>UIBackgroundModes</key><array><string>fetch</string></array>

How do we combine both main.h files you have provided for Silent Push and Background Fetch?



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But my question was which "main.h" do I use, The one that came with silent notificacionts or the fetch one? Thay are not equaly the same file.

I need both features in my App.



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How can I do Background Fetch Download for only registered users? Of course, I will check he is a registered user yet but if I add that codes my app will always fetch data, right?


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It can be called anywhere in your applicaction. A global boolean variable should do the trick to check if you have made already the call to FetchInterval.


If fechtCall=False Then
    If userIsRegistered=True Then
        Dim no As NativeObject = App
       no.RunMethod("setMinimumBackgroundFetchInterval:", Array(0))
    End If
End If


Well-Known Member
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Oh thank you. I thought this code to set the minimum interval like Erel wrote:

3. Set the minimum interval (measured in seconds) with this code...


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That's correct. The minimum you can register is 30 seconds according to iOS developer site

narek adonts

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What I understood here is that there is possibility to add 3rd party .m files with adding them to special folder. Like the main.m file.
So we are not forces to create a library, when can copy the .m file and use it with NativeObject?
Right ?


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Does the Simulator not support Background Fetch or am I missing something ?

I get this error ...

Method not found: setMinimumBackgroundFetchInterval:, target: [IsInitialized=0, DeviceUID=(null), CompanyUID=(null)

On this code line ...

no.RunMethod("setMinimumBackgroundFetchInterval:", Array(0)) '0 = minimum interval


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Bingo! That was it, narek adonts.

"no" was set to NativeObject = App but it needed to be TheApp, instead. App, in this project, points to another variable.


Luiz Fernando Orlandini

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This is awesome. Quick question about remote notifications...

Is it possible to run this code when a Push is received? This means that application:didReceiveRemoteNotification:fetchCompletionHandler will be handled by B4I?

Also, how can I get the message sent via push to take my decisions into APP code and also download any pertinent data?

PS.: I couldn't be able to find Application_FetchDownload documented at all into core.


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When I use the Background Fetch

The function that called is only Application_FetchDownload ?
What is the period ?

It is configured with

no.RunMethod("setMinimumBackgroundFetchInterval:", Array(0))
how much second for 0

if I set 5, is it 5 seconds ?

Can I received the event on the UDPSocket_PacketArrived (packet As UDPPacket) ?

Thank you