B4A Library [B4X] BitmapCreator Effects

BitmapCreatorEffects class includes all kinds of very simple to use image effects.
The class is cross platform and compatible with B4J (v6.3+), B4A (v8.3+) and B4i (v5.0+).
'Greyscale an image:
Dim GreyImage As B4XBitmap = effects.GreyScale(ExistingBmp)
'Blur an image:
Dim BlurImage As B4XBitmap = effects.Blur(ExistingBmp)

The attached examples demonstrate the various methods.


v1.40 - Adds support for B4XImageViews (XUI Views).
- New ScaleDownImages flag. True by default. The updated example demonstrates the usage. Note that if not using B4XImageView then you should set the image when ScaleDown = False, with XUIViewsUtils.SetBitmapAndFill.
v1.31 -New FadeBorders effect. See post #9: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-bitmapcreator-effects.93608/#post-672188
v1.21 - New ReplaceColor method.
v1.20 - Added PieceSize to ImplodeAnimated and added FlipVertical and FlipHorizontal methods.
v1.10 - Adds TransitionAnimated method to transition between two bitmaps.


  • EffectsExample.zip
    376.6 KB · Views: 1,322
  • B4XBitmapEffects.b4xlib
    3.3 KB · Views: 1,323
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Licensed User
Longtime User
I like especially ImplodeAnimated (and have to watch the code, I can not imagine how it is done :D).
Very complex.

I would change:

Public Sub ImplodeAnimated (Duration As Int, PieceSize As Int, Bmp As B4XBitmap, ImageView As B4XView) As ResumableSub
    Dim GroupSize As Int = PieceSize

PieceSize: 30 - 5 - 1 :



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Licensed User
Longtime User
Two very small things (one of them is my fault... as always :p:()

1) BitmapCreatorEffects was updated to v. 1.20 but there is stil this comment:
'Version 1.10

2) the variable GroupSize never changes its value; so you could refine the routine using the parameter directly.
Public Sub ImplodeAnimated (Duration As Int, PieceSize As Int, Bmp As B4XBitmap, ImageView As B4XView) As ResumableSub
Dim GroupSize As Int = PieceSize
(I LOVE F7 + rename :))

[Just two details because I was looking at the code to answer a question submitted by a member]
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B4X founder
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Both options are good in this case.

Why distribute as a class?

1. It was written before b4xlib feature was available.
2. It is a single class which makes it easy to add to your project.
3. It is quite simple to extend it with new features as it is a collection of very specific subs.


Licensed User
Longtime User
1. It was written before b4xlib feature was available.
I know, of course ;)

2. It is a single class which makes it easy to add to your project.
It is much easier to "import" (select) a library; moreover, it is a common bad abitude for many of us... having to search in which project we have used a certain class (that is, not organizing our "tools" well) :D:(

3. It is quite simple to extend it with new features as it is a collection of very specific subs.
You probably don't know it but a b4xlib library contains the source code :D:D:D

The main reason is the first; that's why I wanted to create the library, so you can simply attach it to the first post.


Licensed User
Longtime User
I learnt something good today. Thanks to LucaMs.

How to make a class into b4xlib. :)

I will study the codes and try same in future.




Licensed User
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi Erel / All in first post the B4XBitmapEffects.b4xlib is 1.00

Where's is 1.31 ?
Thank you