Share My Creation A CRUD app for Firebase realtime database with no library or API Call - Updated


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This example does not use a library provided by b4x, it uses Firebase realtime database API and it does not show Firebase events as
child_removed or child_changed ..etc.


Licensed User
This example does not use a library provided by b4x, it uses Firebase realtime database API and it does not show Firebase events as
child_removed or child_changed ..etc.

You will surely excuse me but I don't understand what exactly the difference is
Using the Firebase Realtime db api or creating a b4x library that integrates the Firebase Realtime db api, what changes?


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Longtime User
You will surely excuse me but I don't understand what exactly the difference is
Using the Firebase Realtime db api or creating a b4x library that integrates the Firebase Realtime db api, what changes?
Events that occur on the server side is the difference as I mentioned. My code manipulates most of these events and what happens on the server side is reflected in the app (client-side). I will be grateful if you show a code using the API to notify the user with these events as add, update, or delete (CRUD) .
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