Hi there
At times, you might be faced with creating dynamic ABMSideBarItems items from your pages from existing DB records. This was a challenge I was faced with in my current project. So sitting down I came up with a sketch, Figure 1, of what I needed to do, done with Evolus Pencil
Figure 1
1. The Page needs to Load
2. A query should be ran to get the database records I need to show in the dynamic ABMSideBar(s), I use a custom component for each sidebar item.
3. Each side bar item based on each record should be created and loaded on the page.
4. Each side bar item should have a record id, a title and a subtitle, and image and
5. Each record read from the db should be saved in session storage for later retrieval. I needed this for related tables as I did not want to query the db again. For large databasets I wouldnt recommend this, but then my records are limited and will be anyway.
For this my page has of course a navigation bar created in the same old fashion, at the end, this is something I needed, Figure 2
Figure 2
Based on the Demo, In my ABMShared, I used a similar approach for the container...
I updated my ConnectNavigationBar method to be...
The important part here is the RefreshOnLoad_programme method. Let's take a look at that method.
As my source code is dynamic, the title field and description fields can be made up of a number of fields from the database, I used a stringbuilder for each of those.
I open the Database Connection, I'm using an SQLite db for now and scaling that is just changing the connection string and creating the same schema in MySQL, when that time comes.
As you can see, I return a list of maps of each record from the db based on my query, loop through each record and then run page.NavigationBar.AddSideBarComponent for each record to create each ABMSideBarItem. Remember, in my ConnectNavigationBar method, all the items were cleared first, that's IMPORTANT.
So each time my records change, as soon as I go to this page, new ABMSideBarItems will be created.
Now, to trap each ABMSideBarItem click event...
The Page_NavigationBarClicked method is your gateway to what happens when each element is selected. As you might be aware, this traps the sidebar and top button events when clicked.
I have two TopButtons, one to go back to the previous page and another one to update the current active record. LogOff is just a built in, in case I have that method added anytime.
The trick here was that my Record IDs will be different and thus I couldnt code here what happens if record id 1, 2,3 are selected, thus the use of the "Case Else" statement.
So, when each record is selected from the ABMSideBarItem, I am saving the action to perform and the id of each record. The ID of each record is passed by the Action property of this event.
In this case, the AddEditRecord method is executed each time my item selection changes. See the Return call after AddEditRecord?? Without that the following lines of code would be executed, thus navigating to another page. I had missed that part a couple of times when I did this.
That's all folks.
PS: The next try will be to group these per year and use ChildSubItems instead.
At times, you might be faced with creating dynamic ABMSideBarItems items from your pages from existing DB records. This was a challenge I was faced with in my current project. So sitting down I came up with a sketch, Figure 1, of what I needed to do, done with Evolus Pencil
Figure 1
1. The Page needs to Load
2. A query should be ran to get the database records I need to show in the dynamic ABMSideBar(s), I use a custom component for each sidebar item.
3. Each side bar item based on each record should be created and loaded on the page.
4. Each side bar item should have a record id, a title and a subtitle, and image and
5. Each record read from the db should be saved in session storage for later retrieval. I needed this for related tables as I did not want to query the db again. For large databasets I wouldnt recommend this, but then my records are limited and will be anyway.
For this my page has of course a navigation bar created in the same old fashion, at the end, this is something I needed, Figure 2
Figure 2
Based on the Demo, In my ABMShared, I used a similar approach for the container...
Public Sub BuildSideBarComponent(page As ABMPage, id As String, image As String, Title As String, Subtitle As String) As ABMContainer
Dim ItemCont As ABMContainer
ItemCont.Initialize(page, id, "")
ItemCont.AddRowsM(1,False,0,0, "").AddCellsOSMP(1,0,0,0,3,3,3,4,0,0,0,"").AddCellsOSMP(1,0,0,0,9,9,9,4,0,0,0,"")
ItemCont.AddRowsM(1,False,0,0, "").AddCells12(1, "")
ItemCont.BuildGrid 'IMPORTANT once you loaded the complete grid AND before you start adding components
Dim SubItemCont As ABMContainer
SubItemCont.Initialize(page, id & "SubItemCont", "")
SubItemCont.AddRowsM(1,False, 0,0,"").AddCells12MP(1,-6,0,0,0,"").AddCells12(1,"")
SubItemCont.BuildGrid 'IMPORTANT once you loaded the complete grid AND before you start adding components
Dim img As ABMImage
img.Initialize(page, id & "img", image, 1)
img.IsCircular = True
img.IsResponsive = True
Dim lbl1 As ABMLabel
lbl1.Initialize(page, id & "lbl1", Title, ABM.SIZE_H6, False, "lightblue")
lbl1.VerticalAlign = True
Dim lbl2 As ABMLabel
lbl2.Initialize(page, id & "lbl2", Subtitle, ABM.SIZE_H6, False, "")
lbl2.VerticalAlign = True
Return ItemCont
End Sub
I updated my ConnectNavigationBar method to be...
Public Sub ConnectNavigationBar()
' Clear the dummies we created in BuildNavigationBar
'connect the items in the navigation bar
page.NavigationBar.AddTopItemEx("UpdateRecord", "", "mdi-action-done", "", True, ABM.COLOR_GREEN, ABM.INTENSITY_NORMAL)
page.NavigationBar.AddTopItem("GoBack", "", "mdi-image-navigate-before", "../frmIYMMenu/frmIYMMenu.html", False)
'refresh the navigation bar
page.NavigationBar.Refresh ' IMPORTANT
End Sub
The important part here is the RefreshOnLoad_programme method. Let's take a look at that method.
Private Sub RefreshOnLoad_programme()
'We will create each side bar needed on the load
'Define list to store the results of the query
Dim results As List
Dim resCnt As Int
Dim resTot As Int
Dim resMap As Map
Dim sTitles As StringBuilder
Dim sDescriptions As StringBuilder
'We have titles, description and image
'variable to hold the primary key
Dim strId As String
'variables to title fields
Dim strProgrammeName As String
'variables to hold the description fields
Dim stryear As String
'Get connection from current pool if MySQL/MSSQL
Dim SQL As SQL = ABMShared.SQLGet
'Get the records as a list of maps from the db
results = ABMShared.SQLExecuteMaps(SQL,"select IYMAnalysisSet.id,[year],summary,ProgrammeName from IYMAnalysisSet join ProgrammesSet on IYMAnalysisSet.IYMAnalysis_Programmes = ProgrammesSet.id", Null)
'Close the connection to the database
'Loop throught each record read and process it
resTot = results.size - 1
For resCnt = 0 To resTot
'Initialize the titles and descriptions and define them
'Get the record map
resMap = results.get(resCnt)
'process the primary key fields
strId = resMap.get("id")
'Save record offline
Dim resJSON As String = ABMShared.Map2Json(resMap)
ABMShared.SessionStorageSave(page, strId, resJSON)
strId = strId.Replace(CRLF,"{BR}")
'process the title fields
strProgrammeName = resMap.get("programmename")
strProgrammeName = strProgrammeName.Replace(CRLF,"{BR}")
'process the description fields
'Find the output formats and process them
stryear = resMap.get("year")
stryear = stryear.Replace(CRLF,"{BR}")
'add the item to the ABMSideBarItem
page.NavigationBar.AddSideBarComponent(strId, ABMShared.BuildSideBarComponent(page, strId, "../images/trends.png", sTitles.ToString, sDescriptions.ToString),"../frmIYMUpdate/frmIYMUpdate.html")
End Sub
As my source code is dynamic, the title field and description fields can be made up of a number of fields from the database, I used a stringbuilder for each of those.
I open the Database Connection, I'm using an SQLite db for now and scaling that is just changing the connection string and creating the same schema in MySQL, when that time comes.
As you can see, I return a list of maps of each record from the db based on my query, loop through each record and then run page.NavigationBar.AddSideBarComponent for each record to create each ABMSideBarItem. Remember, in my ConnectNavigationBar method, all the items were cleared first, that's IMPORTANT.
So each time my records change, as soon as I go to this page, new ABMSideBarItems will be created.
Now, to trap each ABMSideBarItem click event...
The Page_NavigationBarClicked method is your gateway to what happens when each element is selected. As you might be aware, this traps the sidebar and top button events when clicked.
Public Sub Page_NavigationbarClicked(Action As String, Value As String)
If Action = "LogOff" Then
End If
Select Case Action.ToLowerCase
Case "updaterecord"
Case "goback"
Case Else
ABMShared.SessionStorageSave(page, "action", "edit")
ABMShared.SessionStorageSave(page, "id", Action)
'We are editing a current record...
End Select
ABMShared.NavigateToPage(ws, ABMPageId, Value)
End Sub
I have two TopButtons, one to go back to the previous page and another one to update the current active record. LogOff is just a built in, in case I have that method added anytime.
The trick here was that my Record IDs will be different and thus I couldnt code here what happens if record id 1, 2,3 are selected, thus the use of the "Case Else" statement.
So, when each record is selected from the ABMSideBarItem, I am saving the action to perform and the id of each record. The ID of each record is passed by the Action property of this event.
In this case, the AddEditRecord method is executed each time my item selection changes. See the Return call after AddEditRecord?? Without that the following lines of code would be executed, thus navigating to another page. I had missed that part a couple of times when I did this.
That's all folks.
PS: The next try will be to group these per year and use ChildSubItems instead.