In thread above, I discover an issue with setting the DateTime in datepicker.
AB sent me an updated .JS and it seemed to work at the time. Now the same issue is back.
First time when you SetDate(m.get("startdate"), it picks up the correct date from the map (derived from table).
The next record you select - the date is from the previous edit. Logged record date - it is correct but the SetDate() refused to set the new date (evean after refresh)...
If you refresh the browser, all works until you set the date again, then same issue.
I actually tried the fix you posted way back in 1.06 when first discovered - and it did not work as well (this time in 3.50).
I can point you to a production server where you can see the issue, or just wait until you patch it and I test it...
Don't eat too much turkey - it makes one sleepy... Happy Thanks Giving!
@Harris Looks like the trick used in the JS in 1.06 did not work anymore. I tried something different, now in the ABMaterial library itself. I'll mail you a test version of the lib later today.
Must be more complicated than you first thought. Can wait for you to get it right, as only you can.
No rush as client knows what to do in the mean time.
Must I upgrade to 3.75 to test eventually (from 3.5)? (prob yes - no big deal - just time sync sites).