It has come to my attention that a lot of the ABMaterial users would ask for multiple new features for ABMaterial. However, as I only have two hands , I thought it may be a good idea to set up a poll to prioritize on what I should work on next. Some people are not that patient and start writing there own tools, but the chances they become obsolete in the future is very possible. I have my own ideas on how ABMaterial will develop in the long run and I cannot take into account other tools.
I came up with 3 things to do. Note: All of them will be implemented, but you'll have a say in what order they will be worked on. All three would require about the same develop time.
1. ABMXPlay
This is the component you have seen some demos of in this forum and will be more for game developers. It still needs a lot of attention before it can be released.
2. B4JS
The Basic to Javascript transpiler is now in its very early stages. It is a tough one to write without finishing ABMXplay first, as the ABMXPlay component would be the first to really benefit from it. The B4J core functions have been covered, but big parts of all ABMComponents need to be refactored to start using B4JS.
3. ABMAbstractDesigner
A full blown Abstract Visual Designer like the one in B4J. This is NOT a code generator but the real deal. Code generators may look nice at first sight, but like Harris pointed out in another topic, have a huge disadvantage: they go one way. ABMAbstractDesigner would work like the B4X ones: you create a layout, develop, change the layout, continue to develop and so on without losing what you have written in code. I'll use the Grid Designer I've shown as a proof of concept in another post + the possibility to put ABMComponents on them. I've done some tests this weekend and it would work very similar as the other B4X tools.
So, it is up to you now: Vote! My fingers are eager to start typing
I came up with 3 things to do. Note: All of them will be implemented, but you'll have a say in what order they will be worked on. All three would require about the same develop time.
1. ABMXPlay
This is the component you have seen some demos of in this forum and will be more for game developers. It still needs a lot of attention before it can be released.
2. B4JS
The Basic to Javascript transpiler is now in its very early stages. It is a tough one to write without finishing ABMXplay first, as the ABMXPlay component would be the first to really benefit from it. The B4J core functions have been covered, but big parts of all ABMComponents need to be refactored to start using B4JS.
3. ABMAbstractDesigner
A full blown Abstract Visual Designer like the one in B4J. This is NOT a code generator but the real deal. Code generators may look nice at first sight, but like Harris pointed out in another topic, have a huge disadvantage: they go one way. ABMAbstractDesigner would work like the B4X ones: you create a layout, develop, change the layout, continue to develop and so on without losing what you have written in code. I'll use the Grid Designer I've shown as a proof of concept in another post + the possibility to put ABMComponents on them. I've done some tests this weekend and it would work very similar as the other B4X tools.
So, it is up to you now: Vote! My fingers are eager to start typing
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