B4J Question [ABMaterial] Showing pic of tablet


Licensed User
Longtime User
As you can see, I need to adjust my fixed footer (somehow)...
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Cool! For the footer. Maybe try to give the pagination a couple of more cells? Or remove the 'Grid Grows' text. I think users will get it that the up and down buttons mean changing the grid size. I try to use icons only as much as possible. Here are some pics of our inhouse CRM app:

Note. The last screen is a 1.05 feature where you can make an ABMModalSheet that is 'full screen/browser'. Very usefull for input screens on mobile devices.

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Licensed User
Longtime User
Yes, I agree. Rid the text and use Icons - with floating buttons. Users will (eventually) get the point. Hell, doesn't really matter how much text you put, they still seem to select the wrong item anyway...
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