Thanks a lot for your helpfull answers.
I finished with Luca's solution adding a panel in the CameraEX class Initialize sub :
Public Sub Initialize (Panel1 As Panel, FrontCamera As Boolean, TargetModule As Object, EventName As String, panelfocus As Panel)
target = TargetModule
event = EventName
Front = FrontCamera
pFocus = panelfocus
coupled with the pFocus panel declared as global to the class, it is exactly what I was searching for.
The event raising option is very interesting as it could be, indeed, a better way to decouple the class and the main...
udg : the callsubdelay is of course another solution
@kjll : you're right my question was misleading, there was a typo in (PnlFocusDone) ==> I edited the post to (PnlFocus)