Android Question access an activity view from a class ?


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I'm using cameraEX class in which the focus done triggers an event (Camera_FocusDone)

I would want to modify the main activity layout according to the success of focus done event. I want to make visible a panel (PnlFocus)

When I try this code, it fails:
Private Sub Camera_FocusDone (Success As Boolean)
    If Success Then
        If shoot Then TakePicture
        Main.PnlFocus.visible = True  '<====== FAILS HERE
        Log("AutoFocus error.")
        ToastMessageShow("unable to focus...", False)
    End If
End Sub

I there a proper way to do this ?
Thanks for your help
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You write:
I would want to modify the main activity layout according to the success of focus done event. I want to make visible a panel (PnlFocusDone)

But the code sais:

 Main.PnlFocus.visible = True  '<====== FAILS HERE

Should it be?

 Main.PnlFocusDone.visible = True
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not yet used the CameraEx class, but if, as I believe, your Sub Camera_FocusDone is part of the class you could call a specialized sub in Main where you do all the settings you need.
I mean something like:
'in camera class sub
PrivateSub Camera_FocusDone (Success AsBoolean)
If Success Then
  If shoot Then TakePicture
  CallSubDelayed2(main, "ShowPanel", True)
end sub

'in main
Sub ShowPanel(show as boolean)
PnlFocus.visible = show
end sub

Or you can pass on class Initialize (or even to a different sub) reference to the calling Activity and use that to reach its elements like CallingActivity.GetView(x)....

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In general, you can pass objects to classes, including Activities.

In addition, you can call a method of TargetModule caller (the activity, in this case) using CallSubDelayed (look for it on the site).

In this case, I imagine that the Panel1 you pass to the initialization is the panel that you want to manage. So, you can create a global private variable, for example mActPanel, and set:
mActPanel = Panel1 in the Initialize; then:
Private Sub Camera_FocusDone (Success As Boolean)
    If Success Then
        If shoot Then TakePicture
        mActPanel = True  '<====== FAILS HERE
        Log("AutoFocus error.")
        ToastMessageShow("unable to focus...", False)
    End If
End Sub

(Umberto was faster )
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Better yet:

In the Class
Private Sub Camera_FocusDone (Success As Boolean)
    If Success Then
        If SubExists(target, event & "_" & "FocusDone") Then
            CallSubDelayed(target, event & "_" & "FocusDone")
        End If
        Log("AutoFocus error.")
    End If
End Sub

In the Activity
Private Sub Camera1_FocusDone
    PnlFocus.Visible = False
End Sub
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Thanks a lot for your helpfull answers.

I finished with Luca's solution adding a panel in the CameraEX class Initialize sub :
Public Sub Initialize (Panel1 As Panel, FrontCamera As Boolean, TargetModule As Object, EventName As String, panelfocus As Panel)
    target = TargetModule
    event = EventName
    Front = FrontCamera
    pFocus = panelfocus
coupled with the pFocus panel declared as global to the class, it is exactly what I was searching for.

The event raising option is very interesting as it could be, indeed, a better way to decouple the class and the main...

@udg : the callsubdelay is of course another solution
@kjll : you're right my question was misleading, there was a typo in (PnlFocusDone) ==> I edited the post to (PnlFocus)
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