B4J Question Access to 'extended' properties


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is it possible to access the 'extended' properties of an object shown in the debug-view (see attached screenshot)?

Thanks in advance & Greetings ... Peter


  • 2014-05-21_102121.png
    15.5 KB · Views: 224


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Which one do you want to access?

all of them.

In the meantime i figured out, that i can access the properties with JavaObject & Reflection

' determine if the first column is sortable
Dim JO As JavaObject
JO = myNode
JO = JO.RunMethod("getColumns", Null)
JO = JO.RunMethod("get", Array As Object(0))
JO = JO.RunMethod("isSortable", Null)

I think, this is OK for me.

Thanks & Greetings ... Peter
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