Share My Creation Amazing Order Taking App : Source For Sale


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my humble suggestions:

Using cross-platform resources would be much better.


FontAwesome and Material Icons


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I understand that it is a 5-day development, that in terms of design it is a propotype.

Thank you very much for your feedback, it really does help, more than you know

we are working on your notes and will upload the update within 2 hours


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For the ones that purchased the source could use the same link we sent them to download the updated source

Thank you


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This is a wonderful app but will like to ask if the back end can be modify for the admin to receive notification via email for all new orders. Also, can the app be integrated with payment API?

Finally, I realize expecially with the admin back end, that everything is arranged from left to right Making reading difficult. I humbly ask for rearrangement from right to left. And if the backend can be developed with B4j to make it a complete b4x package?

Thanks for the good work.


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1-You can modify it to your needs as you like , you can implement the below code in the cart activity :
Sub SendEmail
Dim a As String = "Sender Email"
        emailing.Initialize(Me, "", "", a, "Sender Password", a,"Receiver Email")
        Dim strMessage As String
        emailing.SendEmail("New Order",strMessage,Null)
End Sub

and add the Class module :
' Class for working with SMTP emailing, but with POP3 check before any sending
'(c) Pomelov Vlad aka Peacemaker, v.0.1
Sub Class_Globals
    Private InternetConnected As Boolean, ph As PhoneEvents
    Private Callback As Object
    Private SMTP1 As SMTP
'    Private pop As POP3
    Private SMTPserver, SMTPlogin, SMTPpass, SenderAdr, POPserver As String
    Private SMTPto As String
    Private const SMTPssl As Boolean = True
    Private SMTPport As Int = 465    '25, 587
    Private POPport As Int = 995
    Dim SMTPsent As Boolean
    Dim LatestError As String
End Sub

'Initializes the object. You can add parameters to this method if needed.
Public Sub Initialize(Parent As Object, mSMTPserver As String, mPOPserver As String, mSMTPlogin As String, mSMTPpass As String, mSenderAdr As String, mSMTPto As String)
    Callback = Parent
    SMTPserver = mSMTPserver
    SMTPlogin = mSMTPlogin
    SMTPpass = mSMTPpass
    SenderAdr = mSenderAdr
    POPserver = mPOPserver
    SMTPto = mSMTPto
End Sub

Sub SendEmail (Subj As String, Body As String, Att As Map) As ResumableSub
    Wait For ph_ConnectivityChanged (NetworkType As String, State As String, Intent As Intent)
    If State = "CONNECTED" Then
        Log("ph_ConnectivityChanged: CONNECTED")
        InternetConnected = True
    Else    'NO INTERNET
        Log("ph_ConnectivityChanged: DISCONNECTED")
        InternetConnected = False
        LatestError = LastException.Message
        Return False
    End If
    'POP before SMTP
'    pop.Initialize(POPserver, POPport, SMTPlogin, SMTPpass, "pop")
'    pop.UseSSL = SMTPssl
'    pop.Status

'    Wait For pop_StatusCompleted (Success As Boolean, NumberOfMessages As Int, TotalSize As Int)
'    If Success = False Then
'        LatestError = LastException.Message
''        Return False
'    End If
    ' setup the SMTP object
    SMTP1.UseSSL = SMTPssl
    #if release
    #end if
    #if debug
    SMTP1.To.Add("Reciever Email")
    #End If

    SMTP1.Sender = SenderAdr
    SMTP1.Subject = Subj
    SMTP1.Body = Body
    SMTP1.Body = SMTP1.Body.Replace("=", "=3D")
    SMTP1.CC.Add("Reciever CC Email")
    If Att <> Null Then
        If Att.IsInitialized Then
            For i = 0 To Att.Size - 1
                SMTP1.AddAttachment(Att.GetValueAt(i), Att.GetKeyAt(i))
        End If
    End If
    Return True
End Sub

Private Sub ph_ConnectivityChanged (NetworkType As String, State As String, Intent As Intent)
    If State = "CONNECTED" Then
        Log("ph_ConnectivityChanged: CONNECTED")
        InternetConnected = True
    Else    'NO INTERNET
        Log("ph_ConnectivityChanged: DISCONNECTED")
        InternetConnected = False
    End If
End Sub

Sub SMTP1_MessageSent(Success As Boolean)
    Log ("Message Sent: " & Success)
    If Success Then
        SMTPsent = True
        LatestError = ""
        SMTPsent = False
        LatestError = LastException.Message
        Log("Send Error: " & LastException.Message)
    End If
    If SubExists(Callback, "SMTP_MessageSent") Then
        CallSub2(Callback, "SMTP_MessageSent", Success)
    End If
End Sub

Sub Check_Internet As Boolean
    If InternetConnected = False Then
        Dim a As String = "Check Internet-connection..."
        ToastMessageShow(a, True)
        Return False
        Return True
    End If
End Sub

2- Yes we are able to edit the Back-End layout from right to left


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Finally, I realize expecially with the admin back end, that everything is arranged from left to right Making reading difficult. I humbly ask for rearrangement from right to left.
Thanks for the good work.
Done! , we have updated the demo + the source codes



Licensed User
I would ask for a small change to the backend,
1) could you add a fulfilled orders table? so when you press the delivered button, I move the order to fulfilled, and I would have active orders and fulfilled orders,
2) the possibility of reading the connection string to the db from a txt file such as Parametridb.txt, so I can adapt it to all solutions, without recompiling every time. I ask for these changes, because I don't know ASP yet, I plan to start studying it. thanks a lot


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1- Done :

Added 3 buttons :
1- New orders
2- Fulfilled Orders
3- Rejected Orders

2- In the web.config you can find the connection string (change it from there )

*Updated the demo + Updated the source codes


Licensed User
now it is really a complete app, I will install it on a client and I wanted to do it for a long time. it would be amazing if every time I post new ones promotions, send a notification to the b4a app


Well-Known Member
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now it is really a complete app, I will install it on a client and I wanted to do it for a long time. it would be amazing if every time I post new ones promotions, send a notification to the b4a app

just use the notification NB6 (Firebase library)

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