My first reply was perhaps not very helpful, so here is another go.
Don't post screenshots, especially screenshots that convey minimal information, some of which is then obscured! What you should do is export your project as a zip and post the whole thing. But since you seem reluctant to show your hand, here is something else that you can try.
Assuming that you are getting a compiler error but no Log panel messages (you don't say if that is the case) then try progressively commenting out each subroutine in the activity. Leave the "Sub" and "End Sub" statements uncommented; comment all the rest. Start with the more complex subroutines. Try to compile after each step until, hopefully, the compiler message does not appear. You may possibly have to comment out some other declarations and so on along the way. If you get to a point where the error message does not show then you can suspect that the problem is located in the most recently removed subroutine. Then either sort out the problem or post that subroutine to the forum.
If your project has several Activities then remove all but the Starter and Main activities, and comment out the "StartActivity(...)" statements in Main. That should be a quicker path to discovering which Activity contains your error.