Anyone seen customer support around here?


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Hi all, first post so please accept my apologies if this is out of the realms of the forums but I am having trouble getting my B4A application up and running. Installation took place perfectly and I have placed my license.txt file in the appropriate directory, but when I start the application I am presented with an "invalid email address" error message.

I have emailed support and sent Erel a private message but no reply to either. I don't want to continue pestering Erel in case something untoward has happened or he is on holiday, but after paying for the Enterprise version I'd like to get cracking on with my projects.

Are there any other mods who could help with this situation? Thanks in advance to all.


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Thanks for the swift reply guys, much appreciated. Erel, I have sent a third email as I have nothing in my spam folder, timestamp Tue, May 21, 2013 23:20 PDT from yahoo mail
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Support have been in touch and rectified the issue by reissuing the license file. Thanks for the help to you both
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