AsyncStream over Socket Connection


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Send file over Socket Connection to WiFi IpAdress

Heey everyone,

I have two devices that connect to each other with bluetooth.

Now I have made a socket connection between the two and I want to send a file/upload to the ip address but not to the device..
Not just a file but an Index.html file, so you can actually view the file from your desktop's browser.
In a source, i saw that this is possible on the WiFi IP adress with the port.
So if you go to in your browser you could actually see the index.html file as a normal webpage. Is this possible, and how would you achieve this, toghether with sending images.

Something like this?

Dim out As OutputStream
Dim buffer() As Byte
out = File.OpenOutput(File.DirRootExternal,"index.html",False)
Dim req As HttpRequest
 HTTPClient1.Execute(req, 1)

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