B4A Library Automated FTP Library


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Hi I test your library and work so good on Wifi and I try with 3G/4G and show this error.

ERROR Uploading/
recvfrom failed: ECONNRESET
(Connection reset by peer)

Over wifi work perfect.


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Hi I test your library and work so good on Wifi and I try with 3G/4G and show this error.

ERROR Uploading/
recvfrom failed: ECONNRESET
(Connection reset by peer)

Over wifi work perfect.
Problem solved to upload files.

Set to pasive mode true in the initialized.

Julian Rogers

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Is there anything that I can use that is similar to the _Download/UploadComplete event handler? For instance, I am downloading a file that will be used to fill in data for a table and I want to only start filling in data once the file has successfully downloaded.


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Margret, how catch the files path: /storage/emulated/0/Download/ and send to server?

I have the error in the app: An error has occurred in sub:main_v6 (java line: 371)
java.io.FileNotFoundException:/data/adr.ftp_auto.sample/filescropped-modal-in.jpg/sample1.jpg:ENOENT(No such file or directory)

Why have the error?


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This path is my smartphone.
The code:

#Region Module Attributes
#FullScreen: True
#IncludeTitle: False
#ApplicationLabel: FTP Auto Sample
#VersionCode: 1
#VersionName: 1.0.1
#SupportedOrientations: landscape
#CanInstallToExternalStorage: False
#End Region

'APP Name: FTP Auto Sample
'Last Mod: March 24th, 2014
'Written By: Margret
'Location: Home System
'Version: For Library Version - 1.06
'Created In: B4A Version 3.2

#Region Activity Variables
Sub Process_Globals
End Sub
Sub Globals
Dim FTP As FTP_Auto
FTP.Initialize(Activity, Me, "ftp.domain.com", "username", "password", 21, False, False)

'Just used for the Layout*********************
Private Pmain, p1 As Panel '*
Private b1, b2, b3, b4, fset As Button '*
Private l1 As Label '*
Dim FTPSet, Pmain As Panel '*
Private mmap As Map : mmap.Initialize '*
Private ETdomain, ETuser, ETpass As EditText'*
End Sub
#End Region

#Region Activity Create, Resume, etc.
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
End Sub
Sub Activity_Resume
If Not(FTP.WiFi_IsConnected) Then
Msgbox("WiFi Is Off. Turn WiFi On And Restart App.", "NOTICE")
End If
File.MakeDir(File.DirInternal, "downloads")
End Sub
Sub Activity_KeyPress(KeyCode As Int) As Boolean
If KeyCode = KeyCodes.KEYCODE_BACK Then
Activity.Finish 'Exit Program
End If
End Sub
#End Region

#Region Set The Display & Menu Items
Sub SetDisplay
Pmain.Width = Activity.Width
Pmain.Height = Activity.Height
l1.Width = Activity.Width
p1.Width = Activity.Width
Dim wherew As Int = (Activity.Width/2) - (b1.Width/2)
Dim wherev As Int = ((Activity.Height-40)/4) - (b1.Height/2)
b1.Left = wherew
b2.Left = wherew
b3.Left = wherew
b4.Left = wherew
b1.Top = wherev *1
b2.Top = wherev *2
b3.Top = wherev *3
b4.Top = wherev *4
End Sub
Sub AddMenuItems
File.MakeDir(File.DirInternal, "storage/emulated/0/Download")
File.Copy(File.DirAssets, "cropped-modal-min.jpg", File.DirInternal & "/storage/emulated/0/Download", "sample1.jpg")
File.Copy(File.DirAssets, "sample2.jpg", File.DirInternal & "/storage/emulated/0/Download", "sample2.jpg")
File.Copy(File.DirAssets, "sample3.jpg", File.DirInternal & "/storage/emulated/0/Download", "sample3.jpg")
Activity.AddMenuItem("Server Setup", "ServerSet")
Activity.AddMenuItem("Change Color", "CC")
Activity.AddMenuItem("Stealth On", "Stealth")
Activity.AddMenuItem("Sticky On", "Sticky")
Activity.AddMenuItem("Change Text Size", "ChangeTextSize")
Activity.AddMenuItem("Change Text", "ChangeText")
Activity.AddMenuItem("Set Progress Complete", "SetProgressOn")
Activity.AddMenuItem("Show Dialogs", "SetStealthDialogs")
End Sub
#End Region

#Region Buttons Click & Callback Events
Sub FTP_ProcessComplete
'If you use: FTP.SetProcessCompleteOn(True), this sub will be called after the last
'process completes.
Msgbox("Process Complete...", "NOTICE")
End Sub
Sub b1_Click 'Upload a single file, create folder first if it does not exist.
Log("Sending File...")
FTP.UpLoadFile(File.DirAssets, "ftpsample", "ftpsample.jpg")
End Sub
Sub b2_Click 'Download a single file.
Log("Downloading File...")
'This command will call FTP_FileExist when finished.
FTP.FileOrFolderExist("ftpsample.jpg" , "ftpsample" , False)
End Sub
Sub FTP_FileExist(Found As Boolean)
'If you use: FTP.FileOrFolderExist(), this sub will be called as the process
'completes. Be sure to include this sub.
If Found Then
FTP.DownLoadFile(File.DirInternal & "/storage/emulated/0/Download", "ftpsample", "ftpsample.jpg", False)
Msgbox("No Such File Found...", "NOTICE")
End If
End Sub
Sub b3_Click 'Uploads a file set with a wildcard, creates the folder if it does not exist.
Log("Sending File Set...")
Dim SendFiles As String = File.DirInternal & "/storage/emulated/0/Download/*.jpg"
FTP.UploadFileSet("ftpsample", Array As String(SendFiles), False)
End Sub
Sub b4_Click 'Downloads a file set with a wildcard.
Log("Downloading File Set...")
Dim GetFiles As String = "ftpsample/*.jpg"
FTP.DownloadFileSet(File.DirInternal & "/storage/emulated/0/Download", Array As String(GetFiles), False)
End Sub
#End Region

#Region Change FTP Settings
Sub DoFTPInitialize
If File.Exists(File.DirInternal, "ftpsettings.map") Then
mmap = File.ReadMap(File.DirInternal, "ftpsettings.map")
FTP.Initialize(Activity, Me, mmap.Get("domain"), mmap.Get("user"), mmap.Get("pass"), 21, False, False)
End If
End Sub
Sub ChangeFTP
Activity.AddView(FTPSet, 0, 0, Activity.Width, Activity.Height)
Pmain.Left = Activity.Width/2 - Pmain.Width/2
Pmain.Top = Activity.Height/2 - Pmain.Height/2
If File.Exists(File.DirInternal, "ftpsettings.map") Then
mmap = File.ReadMap(File.DirInternal, "ftpsettings.map")
ETdomain.Text = mmap.Get("domain")
ETuser.Text = mmap.Get("user")
ETpass.Text = mmap.Get("pass")
End If
End Sub
Sub fset_Click
mmap.Put("domain", ETdomain.TexT)
mmap.Put("user", ETuser.TexT)
mmap.Put("pass", ETpass.TexT)
File.WriteMap(File.DirInternal, "ftpsettings.map", mmap)
End Sub
Sub ServerSet_Click
End Sub
Sub CC_Click
'Allows you to change the colors to anything you wish.
FTP.SetColors(Colors.White, Colors.White, Colors.White, Colors.Black, Colors.White)
End Sub
Sub Stealth_Click
'This causes the FTP dialog to not show and stay hidden. You can set: FTP.SetProcessCompleteOn(True)
'to call a sub when completed. See SetProgressOn_Click below. If you don't set
'FTP.SetProcessCompleteOn(True), there will be no indication if the process is complete
'or is still working.
End Sub
Sub Sticky_Click
'This causes the FTP dialog to stay on the screen after the process, until the done button
'is clicked.
End Sub
Sub ChangeTextSize_Click
'Changes the text size that the dialog displays.
End Sub
Sub ChangeText_Click
'This changes the text to what you want on the FTP dialog
FTP.SetText("Getting Files...", "Sending Files...", "Overall", "Each File", "Abort", "Finished")
End Sub
Sub SetProgressOn_Click
'This set to true will call a sub named: FTP_ProcessComplete if you have added it, when
'the process called completes it's task.
End Sub
Sub SetStealthDialogs_Click
FTP.SetCompletedDownloadDialog(True, "Update is Available")
FTP.SetCompletedUploadDialog(True, "All Files Transfered To Server")
End Sub
#End Region


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I see a problem in the patch. Your are using File.DirInternal and that point to internal site where is to save private data, then
FTP.DownLoadFile(File.DirRootExternall & "/storage/emulated/0/Download", "ftpsample", "ftpsample.jpg", False)

Maybe There is your problem.

Check by yourself where is that patch with:
log("::Curren Patch::"&File.DirInternal & "/storage/emulated/0/Download")
Last edited:


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Why is not working this:
FTPA.UpLoadFile(Valtozok.DBFileDir, cursor3.getstring("ftpkonyv").Trim, fajlnev&".fel")
FTPA.SendCMD("RNTO ",fajlnev&".zip")
FTPA.SendCMD("RNFR ",&fajlnev&".fel")

Log is:
Uploaded: /00365520160214220250.fel, Success=true...


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Sorry, misspelled

FTPA.UpLoadFile(Valtozok.DBFileDir, cursor3.getstring("ftpkonyv").Trim, fajlnev&".fel")
FTPA.SendCMD("RNFR ",fajlnev&".fel")
FTPA.SendCMD("RNTO ",fajlnev&".zip")

Log is:
Uploaded: /00365520160214220250.fel, Success=true...


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Longtime User
Margret, it is possible that when phone lock screen while uploading several files, it stoped sending? I selected 4 images files, then start uploading, because i dont tocuh my phone it block and screen go off, after 1 minute, when i unblock phone, the uploading dialog was stoped in image 3, ith progress bar not finished, and dont continue anymore, i have to close app. Do you know what can be? Some bug, some programming error, o maybe just a bad internet connection? Thanks ans apologize my english...


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FTP_AUTO is Activity object :-(
Impossible to use in a service.
Why ?

luciano deri

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what sub is called when FTP_DownloadFileSet not find any files and show the message "No Files Found.."?
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