I have a problem with a downloaded example B4XTable Example. It seem one library is missing because B4XTable is not known. I copied the "B4XTable.b4xlib" into the Additional libraries. But it doesn't work. I tried to copy the library to the internal lib as well.
[Private B4XTable1 As B4XTable] and [Private NumberColumn As B4XTableColumn] is not linked to a library.
I added now [AnotherDatePicker.b4xlib] to the Additional Library and added also something in the manifest editor [
Supported Platforms=B4i, B4J
B4J.DependsOn=jXUI, jDateUtils
B4A.DependsOn=XUI, DateUtils
B4i.DependsOn=iXUI, iDateUtils] but unfortunatelly it doesn't work.
You DID read my answers????? Seems that not
First step is to update to b4a 8.8 as b4xlibs are only supported starting from B4A 8.8.
Next step is to use B4Xlibs.
So now I discovered a new problem during compiling. But I did not find b4xfloattextfield ?
Unknown typ: b4xfloattextfield
Haben Sie eine Library-Referenz vergessen?
Failure in row: 52 (B4XTable)
Public SearchField As B4XFloatTextField