I'm happy to release B4A version 11.20: https://www.b4x.com/b4a.html
- Long hex literal numbers: 0xff00ff00ff00
- New methods: Bit.OrLong / AndLong / XorLong / ShiftLeftLong / ShiftRightLong / NotLong / UnsignedShiftRightLong / ParseLong
- Fix the "incompatible types" warning with the relatively new Json type.
- Json.ToCompactString method.
- Several debugger fixes: crash on startup, missed assignments in some cases, single field objects were not always observable.
- Code editor jumps to a sub when adding an event with the designer, including when the sub already exists.
- Fix issue with compilation of large projects.
- More descriptive errors when a maven artifact is missing, including the artifact origin.
- bundleconfig.json - configuration file that is used when building an AAB package, can be overridden by putting such file in the project folder (you can find the default one in the installation folder).
- SimpleMediaManager (v1.09) is included as an internal library.
- Updated internal libraries: B4XCollections (v1.10), B4XTable (v1.21), B4XPreferencesDialog (v1.75), XUI Views (v2.54), JSON (v1.21), BCTextEngine (v1.92), Core (v11.2), KeyValueStore (v2.31).
- Bug fixes and other minor improvements.