I am using B4A version 11.80 (64 bit), and while writing code in it, I noticed a small anomaly of events.
Well, static code modules cannot handle events of the type (see:
example code line [1]),
which is automatically reported with a red wavy line in the code edit window.
However, in the
example of code line [2], the error is not reported on an ongoing basis,
of course, the compilation of the project itself is not possible.
Code line example [1]:
Wait For (Delete (Main.UpdatedAssetsFolder, "wap.db")) Complete (b As Boolean) '--- >>> error: orphaned case
Example of a code line [2]:
If File.Exists (Main.UpdatedAssetsFolder, "store.db") Then
Delete (Main.UpdatedAssetsFolder, "store.db") = True Then isfiles = isfiles + 1 '--- >>> no warning!
End If
Public Sub Delete (fPath As String, fName As String) As ResumableSub
Return True
End Sub