This demo app shows how to use RenderScript ScriptIntrinsics in real time image processing. As an example the camera preview is converted into a cartoon like image. The processed image can be saved by touching the screen.
From Android developer page:
"RenderScript is a framework for running computationally intensive tasks at high performance on Android . . . The RenderScript runtime parallelizes work across processors available on a device, such as multi-core CPUs and GPUs . . . RenderScript is especially useful for applications performing image processing, computational photography, or computer vision."
Renderscript was introduced in API 11 (Honeycomb), but to use it you need to learn an additional programming language, a kind of a C (C99) dialekt.
As from API 18 (JellyBean 4.3) Renderscript comes with a bunch of predefined scripts, called ScriptIntrinsics. These presets cover important functionality like image blur, color matrix transformations (e.g. greyscale, sepia) , convolution kernel processing (e.g. image sharpening, edge detection), lookup tables, color separation, level thresholding, image masking and blending and more. These Intrinsics are optimized for the devices hardware and are usually the fastest way to perform a specific operation.
To achieve the cartoon effect we do:
RenderScript uses it´s own data types, called Elements. There are predefined Elements to store a single value (e.g. byte, float) or a 4-element vector (of byte, float...). Image processing often uses Element.U8_4 (unsigned 8 bit, 4 layers), which stores the color information of exact one pixel of an RGBA-Bitmap.
When creating a ScriptIntrinsic object, you have to pass the Element type the script will process.
The scripts work on "Allocations", where the raw and processed data is stored. These Allocations have to be created too. A typical use of Allocations to process an image looks like:
As many of the RenderScript (and other needed) classes are not exposed to B4A, the JavaObject library (2.05+) will be used. To compile the code you will also need the following libraries : camera (2.20+), Reflection (2.40+), Phone (2.26+); you also have to import the CameraExClass module (1.30+). Minimum API level is 18 (JellyBean 4.3). Apk was created with B4A 4.3.
Creating a RenderScript object is a computatively costly task, so create it once and use it as long as the process lives.
To keep things simple (and to keep the focus on the Renderscript stuff), a fixed (but common) camera preview size is used and there are no menues, buttons, sliders or other controllers to vary parameters and so on.
Checks API version, initialize bitmap and panels for output, init RenderScriptObjects
In this sub the RenderScript object, the Elements, Scripts and Allocations are created.
The image processing happens in the "camera loop":
In these subs the camera is set up and the preview ist started / stopped:
When touching the screen the actual image is saved. You can access the image from the Galerie app.
Finally, don´t forget to uncomment this Sub in the CameraExClass module:
From Android developer page:
"RenderScript is a framework for running computationally intensive tasks at high performance on Android . . . The RenderScript runtime parallelizes work across processors available on a device, such as multi-core CPUs and GPUs . . . RenderScript is especially useful for applications performing image processing, computational photography, or computer vision."
Renderscript was introduced in API 11 (Honeycomb), but to use it you need to learn an additional programming language, a kind of a C (C99) dialekt.
As from API 18 (JellyBean 4.3) Renderscript comes with a bunch of predefined scripts, called ScriptIntrinsics. These presets cover important functionality like image blur, color matrix transformations (e.g. greyscale, sepia) , convolution kernel processing (e.g. image sharpening, edge detection), lookup tables, color separation, level thresholding, image masking and blending and more. These Intrinsics are optimized for the devices hardware and are usually the fastest way to perform a specific operation.
To achieve the cartoon effect we do:
- Convert the camera preview data to RGB using ScriptIntrinsicYuvToRGB
- Slightly blur the RGB image : using ScriptIntrinsicBlur
- Reduce the 16.7 m RGB-colors to a set of 27 palette colors : using ScriptIntrinsicLUT (LUT = lookup table) -> "palette image"
- Convert RGB image to greyscale : using ScriptIntrinsicColorMatrix
- Convolve greyimage with a kernel to find edges in image : using ScriptIntrinsicConvolve3x3
- Threshold edges : using ScriptIntrinsicLUT -> "edge image"
- Combine "palette image" with "edge image" : using ScriptIntrinsicBlend
RenderScript uses it´s own data types, called Elements. There are predefined Elements to store a single value (e.g. byte, float) or a 4-element vector (of byte, float...). Image processing often uses Element.U8_4 (unsigned 8 bit, 4 layers), which stores the color information of exact one pixel of an RGBA-Bitmap.
When creating a ScriptIntrinsic object, you have to pass the Element type the script will process.
The scripts work on "Allocations", where the raw and processed data is stored. These Allocations have to be created too. A typical use of Allocations to process an image looks like:
- copy Bitmap-data into an in-Allocation (input)
- pass the in-Allocation to the script
- run the script while passing an out-Allocation (output)
- copy out-Allocation to bitmap
As many of the RenderScript (and other needed) classes are not exposed to B4A, the JavaObject library (2.05+) will be used. To compile the code you will also need the following libraries : camera (2.20+), Reflection (2.40+), Phone (2.26+); you also have to import the CameraExClass module (1.30+). Minimum API level is 18 (JellyBean 4.3). Apk was created with B4A 4.3.
Creating a RenderScript object is a computatively costly task, so create it once and use it as long as the process lives.
Sub Process_Globals
Dim mRS As JavaObject ' the RenderScript object
Dim mScriptYuvToRGB, mScriptColorize, mScriptBlur, mScriptGrey, mScriptCon3x3, _
mScriptBlend, mScriptThreshold As JavaObject ' the ScriptIntrinsics
Dim aYuv, aRGB, aBlur, aBlurColorized, aGreyBlur, aEdges As JavaObject ' the allocations to store data
End Sub
To keep things simple (and to keep the focus on the Renderscript stuff), a fixed (but common) camera preview size is used and there are no menues, buttons, sliders or other controllers to vary parameters and so on.
Sub Globals
Private camEx As CameraExClass ' camera
Dim previewWidth As Int=640 ' for simplicity, use a camera preview size
Dim previewHeight As Int=480 ' that works on most devices
Dim yuvDataLength As Int = previewWidth*previewHeight*3/2 ' NV21 format : 12 bit per pixel
Dim panelPreview,panelProcessed As Panel ' panels & bitmap
Dim bmpOut As Bitmap
Dim frame As Int=0 ' count frames and sum up processing time '
Dim tSum As Long=0
' play with these parameters to tweak the result
Dim blurRadius As Float = 3.0f ' a float 0.0f < r <= 25.0f
Dim edgeEnhanceFactor As Double = 3
Dim edgesThreshold As Double=30 ' 0 to 255
End Sub
Checks API version, initialize bitmap and panels for output, init RenderScriptObjects
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
' check API version , must be >= 18
Dim ph As Phone
If ph.sdkVersion<18 Then
Msgbox("Your API level is: " & ph.sdkVersion,"This app requires API >= 18 (JellyBean 4.3)")
End If
bmpOut.InitializeMutable(previewWidth,previewHeight) ' standard RGBA-bitmap, 4 bytes per pixel
Activity.AddView(panelProcessed,0,0,100%x,100%y) ' the processed image
Activity.AddView(panelPreview,0,0,20%x,20%y) ' tiny camera preview in upper left corner
If FirstTime Then initRenderScriptStuff ' init only once
ToastMessageShow("Touch display to save image",False)
End Sub
In this sub the RenderScript object, the Elements, Scripts and Allocations are created.
Sub initRenderScriptStuff
' get Activity context
Dim jo As JavaObject
' create the Renderscript object
mRS = mRS.InitializeStatic("android.renderscript.RenderScript").RunMethodJO("create",Array(jo))
' renderscript elements
Dim eU8,eU8_4 As JavaObject
'Element.U8(rs) : unsigned 8 bit, holds 1 byte
eU8 = eU8.InitializeStatic("android.renderscript.Element").RunMethodJO("U8",Array(mRS))
'Element.U8_4(rs) : unsigned 8 bit 4 layers, holds 1 RGBA-pixel (4 bytes)
eU8_4 = eU8_4.InitializeStatic("android.renderscript.Element").RunMethodJO("U8_4",Array(mRS))
' script to convert Yuv to Rgb
mScriptYuvToRGB = mScriptYuvToRGB.InitializeStatic("android.renderscript.ScriptIntrinsicYuvToRGB").RunMethodJO("create",Array(mRS,eU8_4))
' script applying a lookup table for cartoon colorization, maps 16.7 m possible colors to 27 palette colors
mScriptColorize = mScriptColorize.InitializeStatic("android.renderscript.ScriptIntrinsicLUT").RunMethodJO("create",Array(mRS,eU8_4))
Dim value As Int
For i=0 To 255
value=Floor(i/85.001)*127 ' reduce 256 to 3 intensities : 0, 127, 254
' script to convert RGB to greyscale
mScriptGrey = mScriptGrey.InitializeStatic("android.renderscript.ScriptIntrinsicColorMatrix").RunMethodJO("create", Array As Object(mRS,eU8_4))
mScriptGrey.RunMethod("setGreyscale",Null) ' use a build-in preset color matrix, RGB -> greyscale
' script to blur image
mScriptBlur = mScriptBlur.InitializeStatic("android.renderscript.ScriptIntrinsicBlur").RunMethodJO("create",Array As Object(mRS,eU8_4))
' script to convolve image with a 3x3 kernel
mScriptCon3x3 = mScriptCon3x3.InitializeStatic("android.renderscript.ScriptIntrinsicConvolve3x3").RunMethodJO("create",Array(mRS,eU8_4))
' set up 3x3 convolution kernel
Dim coeff(9) As Float = Array As Float (1, 1, 1, 1,-8, 1, 1, 1, 1)
For i=0 To 8
mScriptCon3x3.RunMethod("setCoefficients",Array(coeff)) ' transfer kernel to script
' script applying a lookup table to threshold edges, giving a black / white "edge mask"
mScriptThreshold = mScriptThreshold.InitializeStatic("android.renderscript.ScriptIntrinsicLUT").RunMethodJO("create",Array(mRS,eU8_4))
Dim value As Int
For i=0 To 255
value=0 ' no edge = black
If i>edgesThreshold Then value=255 'edge = white
' script to blend 2 images
mScriptBlend = mScriptBlend.InitializeStatic("android.renderscript.ScriptIntrinsicBlend").RunMethodJO("create",Array(mRS,eU8_4))
' the Allocations:
' aYuv is 1-dimensional, it holds camera preview data (array of bytes with length yuvDataLength)
aYuv = aYuv.initializeStatic("android.renderscript.Allocation").RunMethodJO("createSized",Array(mRS,eU8,yuvDataLength))
' all other allocations hold 4-byte pixel data and are 2-dimensional, they are created from an initialized (RGBA) bitmap
aRGB = aRGB.InitializeStatic("android.renderscript.Allocation").RunMethodJO("createFromBitmap",Array(mRS,bmpOut))
aBlur = aBlur.InitializeStatic("android.renderscript.Allocation").RunMethodJO("createFromBitmap",Array(mRS,bmpOut))
aBlurColorized = aBlurColorized.InitializeStatic("android.renderscript.Allocation").RunMethodJO("createFromBitmap",Array(mRS,bmpOut))
aGreyBlur = aGreyBlur.InitializeStatic("android.renderscript.Allocation").RunMethodJO("createFromBitmap",Array(mRS,bmpOut))
aEdges = aEdges.InitializeStatic("android.renderscript.Allocation").RunMethodJO("createFromBitmap",Array(mRS,bmpOut))
End Sub
The image processing happens in the "camera loop":
' this Sub is triggered automatically by the os each time new Camera preview data is avaliable
' do not create renderscript objects here !
Sub Camera1_preview(yuvData() As Byte)
Dim tStart, tStop As Long
' convert camera data (NV21 mode) to RGB
' blur RGB image
' reduce 16.7 mil. colors to 27 cartoon colors, store the result in aBlurColorized
' convert blurred RGB image to greyscale
' detect edges ; edges are light, surfaces are dark
' threshold edges -> detected edges are now white (255,255,255), other image parts are black (0,0,0)
' subtract the "edge image" from the "colorized image", clipping negative values to 0 (=black)
' result is in aBlurColorized, copy allocation to bitmap
' show bitmap
Log(tSum/frame) ' log average processing time per frame in milliseconds
End Sub
In these subs the camera is set up and the preview ist started / stopped:
Sub Activity_Resume
End Sub
Sub Camera1_Ready (Success As Boolean)
If Success Then
ToastMessageShow("Cannot open camera.", True)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub InitializeCamera
camEx.Initialize(panelPreview, False, Me, "Camera1") ' only back camera is supported
End Sub
Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean)
End Sub
When touching the screen the actual image is saved. You can access the image from the Galerie app.
' touch display to save image
Sub Activity_Touch (Action As Int, x As Float, y As Float) As Boolean
Select Action
Case Activity.ACTION_DOWN
Dim filename As String
Dim picnumber As Int=0
' generate an unique filename
filename="B4A_CartoonCamera" & picnumber & ".jpg"
Do While File.Exists(File.DirRootExternal,filename)=True
filename="B4A_CartoonCamera" & picnumber & ".jpg"
' save image
Dim out As OutputStream
out = File.OpenOutput(File.DirRootExternal, filename, False)
bmpOut.WriteToStream(out, 50, "JPEG")
' register saved image
Dim i As Intent
i.initialize("android.intent.action.MEDIA_SCANNER_SCAN_FILE", _
"file://" & File.Combine(File.DirRootExternal, filename))
Dim ph As Phone
Log("saved as: " & filename)
ToastMessageShow("Image saved as : " & filename,False )
Case Activity.ACTION_MOVE
Case Activity.ACTION_UP
End Select
Return True
End Sub
Finally, don´t forget to uncomment this Sub in the CameraExClass module:
'Uncomment this sub if you need to handle the Preview event
Sub Camera_Preview (Data() As Byte)
If SubExists(target, event & "_preview") Then
CallSub2(target, event & "_preview", Data)
End If
End Sub
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