B4i (iOS) - Updates thread


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me either. never touched a mac. Flick through an Ipod touch once but the poison in it started burning my hands so I gave it back.....

I'm not an Apple fan, in fact I have been labelled by many as an Apple basher. I will though be interested in b4i as I have been asked for a couple of simple apps for IOS. All depends how much it will cost me really as the jobs wouldn't really make me much money....


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I bought a Macbook (was an Air, then moved on to a Pro) about 2 years ago. I had intended to do some iOS development, but it never really came about, but when B4i comes along I will be purchasing that with the view to porting some of the Apps I have.

I've got Vmware Fusion installed, which allows me to run a few Windows VMs for proper work and B4A of course!


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With regards to which Mac you should buy, as a general rule iOS development at least requires it to be an Intel based Mac.


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With regards to which Mac you should buy, as a general rule iOS development at least requires it to be an Intel based Mac.
I thought the general consensus of b4i was that a mac was not required??

I for one cannot afford one, so will not be purchasing one. My next machine purchase will be a cheap laptop to replace this 7 yr old one. This is the only system I have so would like to replace it before it dies and leaves me with nothing. Not going to happen probably for another year or so though.


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you dont have to purchase a mac you can use other options like " http://www.macincloud.com/ "
there is also a possiblity Erel will make his own b4i-cloud , we will have to wait and support him as good as we can (build libraries, tell friends about b4x, purchase b4i, etc..)


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I don't know - I see that macincloud has been mentioned, I don't know how viable that is. macincloud isn't free either, as far as I can see. $1 per hour of use.


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the most time you will spent on b4i (pc)
i dont know exactlly when the mac will be needed but i am sure that would be only for some minutes

so you can develope some apps and rent a mac for 1$ and publish all your apps, 1 hour should be enough to do this (i guess)
and erel mentioned that maybe he will put some macs for guys that dont want to buy a mac, will see...


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Plus don't forget... iOS Developer Program (sic) costs $99/year

Although there are other options.. i.e. Enterprise and University.. You'll only need to sign up and pay if you are intending on placing the App in the App Store


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For macincloud it costs $1 per hour, but I think the minimum block you can purchase is 30 hours.


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Erel said a few pages back that the first release of B4i will require a Mac to develop with B4i.

Snap, but you _could_ use macincloud as a workaround, I suspect that Erel wasn't aware of such a cloud service. I think the initial intention by Erel was to allow cloud generation to occur in AnywhereSoftware cloud space, which I think Apple have indicated is not their preferred approach / licensing issues / questions...


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the question is how much money you will make from your apps, so i think it is worth to try
1 year is enough to see if your apps are succefully

i allways said that this is the right thing to do, to take a yearly fee from developers, like this the appstore is not full of crap, because guys that didnot make enough in that one year will not renew their license. like this new developers come in and old get out. not like in google play where every 8 years old can sign in pay 25$ and start fill the store will "flappy biber" and every year 1000's of new developers and 100.000's new apps

your apps will never be discovered like this but on ios its not like this there is a balance...


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Erel said a few pages back that the first release of B4i will require a Mac to develop with B4i.

Ah, I missed them bits. Guess that's IOS back off my list, lol.

To be honest I haven't made a single £1 from selling apps, for various reasons. No time to really make a full working apps and personal status makes it difficult to charge for things. What I would make on apps, I would loose from other sources of income so not worth doing......


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feel your pain


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It is correct. A local Mac is required for development with B4i. We may build our own cloud of Macs as a secondary service in the future.
Must have been something I dreamt. Thanks for clarifying.


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It is correct. A local Mac is required for development with B4i. We may build our own cloud of Macs as a secondary service in the future.

but will it be possible to use a virtual machine in the same LAN (with its own IP-address)? It's the only thing I haven't understood properly.


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but will it be possible to use a virtual machine in the same LAN (with its own IP-address)? It's the only thing I haven't understood properly.
I use this with Delphi for cross platform compiling, should work with B4i too.


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that is for compiling reasons, how can we test the output? are there emulators or can we only use the expensive stuff to test on?


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that is for compiling reasons, how can we test the output? are there emulators or can we only use the expensive stuff to test on?

Well, hopefully a VM will be enough for compiling and tht it will work with b4i. For testing, I think that inevitably you need an iphone and/or an ipad device (but you can get good deals online for older devices).
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