B4J Library [B4j] [B4a] ZT-Zip

Here is another Zip iibrary for B4j/B4a. It wraps this zt-zip project from github : https://github.com/zeroturnaround/zt-zip. zt-zip licence is Apache License 2.0

The advantages of this one are that it can insert, replace and remove files without having to unpack and repack the zip file, and you can add and extract items from/to byte arrays.

There are two main classes:

Zips, which wraps the fluent API and provides most of the day to day operations, and a static module ZIPUTILS which is slightly more complex to use but provides greater control.

I have wrapped most of the Methods available (but haven't tested them all) if there are any in the documentation that you need but can't wrap them, let me know and I'll take a look.

Class Module
A FluentAPI for zip handling

  • Events:
    • Item(ZEntry As ZipEntry)
  • Functions:
    • AddEntries (Entries As Object()) As Zips
      Specifies entries to add or change to the output when this Zips executes.
      Entries is an object array containing either FileSource or ByteSource or both.
    • AddEntry (Entry As Object) As Zips
      Specifies an entry to add or change to the output when this Zips executes.
      Entry can be either a FileSource or a ByteSource
    • AddFile (DirName As String, FileName As String) As Zips
      Adds a file entry.
    • AddFile2 (DirName As String, FileName As String, PreserveRoot As Boolean) As Zips
      Adds a file entry.
    • AsJavaObject As JavaObject
      Returns the wrapped object as JavaObject
    • Charset (TCharset As String) As Zips
      Specifies charset for this Zips execution
    • Class_Globals As String
    • ContainsEntry (Name As String) As Boolean
      Checks for the existence of the specified path/name
    • Create As Zips
      Static factory method to obtain an instance of Zips without source file.
    • Destination (DirName As String, FileName As String) As Zips
      Specifies destination file for this Zips execution, if destination is null (default value), then source file will be overwritten.
      Will create a new file if it doesn't exist
    • Get (DirName As String, FileName As String) As Zips
      Static factory method to obtain an instance of Zips.
    • GetEntry (Name As String) As Byte()
      Get an entry by path/name as an array of bytes
    • GetObject As Object
      Returns the wrapped object as Object
    • Initialize As String
      Initializes the object. You can add parameters to this method if needed.
    • IsInitialized As Boolean
      Tests whether the object has been initialized.
    • Iterate (Module As Object, EventName As String) As String
      Scans the source ZIP file and executes the given callback for each entry. As Sub {EventName}_Item(ZEntry As ZipEntry)
    • PreserveTimestamps As Zips
      Enables timestamp preserving for this Zips execution
    • Process As String
      Iterates through source Zip entries removing or changing them according to set parameters.
    • RemoveEntries (Entries As String()) As Zips
      Specifies entries to remove to the output when this Zips executes.
      Entries is String Array of Paths / Names
    • RemoveEntry (Entry As String) As Zips
      Specifies an entry to remove to the output when this Zips executes.
    • SetObject (Obj As Object) As String
      Set the underlying Object, must be of correct type
    • SetPreserveTimestamps (Preserve As Boolean) As Zips
      Specifies timestamp preserving for this Zips execution
    • Unpack As Zips

Depends On:
  • zt-zip-1,13.jar
  • slf4j-api-1.7.25.jar
  • slf4j-jdk14-1.7.25.jar
zt-zip Download and javadoc can be found here : https://search.maven.org/artifact/org.zeroturnaround/zt-zip/1.13/jar
If you don't already have the slf4j (logging api) files you can get them from here: https://www.slf4j.org/download.html

Download those required, and copy the jars to your additional libraries folder.

Please report any bugs.

Source code is attached, you can compile it to a library if you prefer. There are also some examples in the Main module.

Update: Found that it works with B4a with 1 very minor change (As with all new libraries, please test it before use on important zip files).


  • jZT-ZIP.zip
    10 KB · Views: 527
  • zt-zipB4a.zip
    18 KB · Views: 430
Last edited:


Licensed User
Longtime User
Tested with B4a and it seems to work OK, let me know if there are any issues.