Android Example [B4X] AS AutoComplete - Custom Datasource and Icons

In this example I will show you how you can use your own data source and also display icons.

In this example I use a SQLite database with all countries and flags

Custom Datasource
If you have not specified a data source, the RequestNewData event is triggered every time the search text changes.

When the event is triggered, a snapshot of the layout is created, the list is emptied and only filled when SetNewData is added with the new items.

Private Sub AS_AutoComplete1_RequestNewData(SearchText As String)
    Dim lstItems As List 'New List of AS_SelectionList_Item
    'SQL query based on the search text
    Dim DR As ResultSet = sql1.ExecQuery2("SELECT * FROM dt_Country WHERE name LIKE ? ORDER BY name ASC",Array As String("%" & SearchText & "%"))
    Do While DR.NextRow
        'This is only required in this example, otherwise the flag emojis will not be displayed
        Dim Buffer() As Byte
        Buffer = DR.GetBlob("flag")
        Dim FlagEmoji As String = BytesToString(Buffer,0,Buffer.Length,"UTF-8")
        'Add item to the list
    AS_AutoComplete1.SetNewData(lstItems) 'Pass the list of items
End Sub
As soon as SetNewData is called, the list is filled with the new items and displayed it

Example Project is attached


  • AS_AutoComplete Manual mode
    201.1 KB · Views: 31
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