[B4X] [XUI] AS Onboarding [Payware]
AS Onboarding is a view you can use to attract first-time users when they land on your app. Or to present new features after a major update, with pictures and descriptions. Or to collect user data at the 1st start of the app, many things are possible. The View is modular and can also be...
In this example I show how you can easily change the theme e.g. from a dark theme to a light one and how to do other cosmetic things.
It's easy:
Light Mode:
AS_Onboarding1.Theme = AS_Onboarding1.Theme_Light
Dark mode:
AS_Onboarding1.Theme = AS_Onboarding1.Theme_Dark
There is a "ThemeChanging" event, this event is triggered after the theme is changed, but where it is not yet displayed to the user, so an event that triggers in the middle.
In this event you can still change colors independently.
In the following example we change the background color of the image view:
Private Sub AS_Onboarding1_ThemeChanging
For Each Page As AS_OnboardingPage In AS_Onboarding1.Pages 'Each page
For Each Item As AS_Onboarding_Item In Page.ItemList 'Each Item
If Item.ItemType = AS_Onboarding1.ItemType_Image Then 'If it is a B4XImageView
Dim OnboardingImage As B4XImageView = Item.View
If isDarkMode Then
OnboardingImage.mBackgroundColor = xui.Color_ARGB(255,32, 33, 37) 'Dark mode color
OnboardingImage.mBackgroundColor = xui.Color_ARGB(255,233, 233, 233) 'Light mode color
End If
OnboardingImage.Update 'Update the B4XImageView
End If
End Sub
A full exmaple project is in the attachment, if you have questions, please make a new thread.