Android Tutorial [B4X] AsyncStreams Tutorial

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New video tutorial:

AsyncStreams allows you to read data from an InputStream and write data to an OutputStream without blocking your program. The reading and writing are done with two separate threads.

When new data is available the NewData event is raised with the data.
When you write data to the OutputStream the data is added to an internal queue and then sent in the background.

AsyncStreams is very useful when working with slow streams like network streams or Bluetooth streams.

If you work with such streams using the main thread your program may hang or block while waiting for a value.
The way we tried to deal with it in the Serial tutorial and Network tutorial is with a Timer that checks whether there are bytes waiting in the buffer. However even if there are bytes available there is a chance that not enough are available and then our program will hang or block until those are available.
Using AsyncStreams is usually simpler and safer.

AsyncStreams can work in two modes. Regular mode and "prefix mode". Both work as described above.

The following code demonstrates a simple program that sends text to a connected device or computer:
Sub Process_Globals
    Dim AStreams As AsyncStreams
    Dim Server As ServerSocket
    Dim Socket1 As Socket
End Sub
Sub Globals
    Dim EditText1 As EditText
End Sub

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
    If FirstTime Then
        Server.Initialize(5500, "Server")
        Log("MyIp = " & Server.GetMyIP)
    End If
    EditText1.ForceDoneButton = True
    Activity.AddView(EditText1, 10dip, 10dip, 300dip, 60dip)
End Sub

Sub Server_NewConnection (Successful As Boolean, NewSocket As Socket)
    If Successful Then
        ToastMessageShow("Connected", False)
        Socket1 = NewSocket
         'Can only use prefix mode if both sides of the connection implement the prefix protocol!!!
        AStreams.InitializePrefix(Socket1.InputStream, False, Socket1.OutputStream, "AStreams")
        ToastMessageShow(LastException.Message, True)
    End If
End Sub

Sub AStreams_NewData (Buffer() As Byte)
    Dim msg As String
    msg = BytesToString(Buffer, 0, Buffer.Length, "UTF8")
    ToastMessageShow(msg, False)
End Sub

Sub AStreams_Error
    ToastMessageShow(LastException.Message, True)
End Sub

Sub AStreams_Terminated
End Sub

'press on the Done button to send text
Sub EditText1_EnterPressed
    If AStreams.IsInitialized = False Then Return
    If EditText1.Text.Length > 0 Then
        Dim buffer() As Byte
        buffer = EditText1.Text.GetBytes("UTF8")
        Log("Sending: " & EditText1.Text)
    End If
End Sub

Sub Activity_Pause(UserClosed As Boolean)
    If UserClosed Then
    End If
End Sub
Once there is a connection we initialize the AsyncStreams object:
AStreams.InitializePrefix(Socket1.InputStream, False, Socket1.OutputStream, "AStreams")
Then when there is new data available we convert the bytes to string and show it:
Sub AStreams_NewData (Buffer() As Byte)
    Dim msg As String
    msg = BytesToString(Buffer, 0, Buffer.Length, "UTF8")
    ToastMessageShow(msg, False)
End Sub
When the user enters text in the EditText, the text is being sent:
Sub EditText1_EnterPressed
    If AStreams.IsInitialized = False Then Return
    If EditText1.Text.Length > 0 Then
        Dim buffer() As Byte
        buffer = EditText1.Text.GetBytes("UTF8")
        Log("Sending: " & EditText1.Text)
    End If
End Sub
Prefix mode

When the object is initialized in prefix mode the data is expected to adhere to the following protocol: every message (bytes array) should be prefixed with the bytes array length (as an Int). So if another device sends us a message made of 100 bytes. The stream is expected to include 4 bytes with a value of 100 and then the 100 bytes.
The NewData event will be raised with the 100 bytes. It will not include the 4 prefix bytes.
When you send data with Write or Write2 the bytes length will be added automatically as the prefix of this message.
If you can work in prefix mode, which is usually only possible if you are implementing both sides, it is highly recommended to do so. Under the cover AsyncStreams uses the message length prefix to make sure that the NewData event is always raised with complete messages. If for example it expects 100 bytes and only 60 bytes arrived, it will wait till the other 40 bytes arrive. In regular mode the event will be raised twice and you will need to handle the two parts of the message.
AsyncStreams also handles the case where 100 bytes are expected and more than 100 bytes arrived (which means that there are several messages).

Note that the WriteStream method that is only available in prefix mode uses an internal protocol which includes error detection.


The Error event will be raised if there is any error. You can use LastException to find the reason for the error. In most cases you will want to close the connection when an error occurs.

The Terminated event will be raised when the connection is unexpectedly terminated.

Related links:
AsyncStreamsText class offers an alternative to prefix mode when working with streams of text.
New example that uses the Starter service and B4XSerializator:

Which mode / framework to choose?

There are three modes or frameworks available: AsyncStreams, AsyncStreams in prefix mode and AsyncStreamsText class.

Prefix mode can only be used if both sides of the connection follow the "prefix" protocol. In most cases you can only use this mode when you implement both sides of the connection.

If you are communicating with a non B4X app (and cannot implement the prefix protocol) then you have two options:
- If the data sent and received is text based and each message ends with an end of line character(s) then you should use AsyncStreamsText. For example if you are connecting to an external GPS. Note that it is also possible to modify the class and support different delimiters.
The advantage of using AsyncStreamsText is that it will build the messages correctly. You will not receive partial messages (or multiple messages together).
- In other cases you should use AsyncStreams in regular mode. This means that there is no guarantee that each sent message will be received as a single message. In fact it is more or less guaranteed not to happen. So your code is responsible for correctly collecting and receiving the message.
You can use BytesBuilder class to collect and parse the messages.


When a new message is available the background thread that is responsible for reading data sends a message to the main thread message queue. This message causes the NewData event to be raised. If you are receiving many messages repeatedly and you show a modal dialog (like Msgbox) then it is possible that the order of events will be changed.
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Active Member
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Hi erel,
I tried the sample and it works perfectly with our server aps using vb
But the problem when i tried to disable the server aps, the asynch_error is not trigerred
And i dont know the last status of the connection..
Is there any way to check ?



Active Member
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Sorry errl its working now, i did wrong syntax for astream_terminated
Wonderfull. Tks for your guide

Michael K. Therkildsen

Licensed User
Hello all,

I would like to use AStreams to exchange streams between Android and PC using Visual Basic 2010.
Do you have sample of DotNet Program matching the Erel code?


Hi Barbadidoua

Did you finde a solution with exchange streams between Android and PC using Visual Basic 2010? I have the same problem with Iphone and Visual Basic 2012. If you did is it posible go get some help?


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Longtime User
Hello, Is there the possibility to use tcp/ip over internet in a secure way using SSL or other method?
I know it is possible using okhhtp but in this case I have to implement a web service.. Is there another way to have secure tcp ip connection?


New Member
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In #1, it is possible to send data without pressing the button?
I'm new with B4A
Regards :)


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi B4a community.
I am not really new to b4a but just rusty -- (very rusty)

Im writing to connect a bluetooth barcode reader in SPP non prefix mode.

Can the "Wait For" be utilized to wait for incoming data &/or Connections?. Or would it be just a redundant waste ?
Ultimately the code will be put in to a service.


Roberto P.

Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
Hello to all,
I'm reading a 50 character string from a bluetooth player. The problem is that the system reads the data twice (30 + 20). How do I make it read all 50 characters at once?

I tried to initialize with prefix mode, but did not read the data ?!

I'm stuck:mad:

Thank you
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