Android Tutorial [B4X] B4A, B4i, B4J and B4r API documentation - B4X Object Browser

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Interesting that you mention you are unemployed. I was in the same position myself until this week. I've had to slow down working on Android stuff to work on a real job. I appreciate the quality of your work you have done for the community. The object browser is constantly open when I'm doing b4a development. I will contribute.


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Thanks Kevin. Brings my total now to about $55. Probably something like 10c per hour.


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Hi !
Please support language Vietnamese
Please provide me with your email address. I can then send you a spreadsheet that must be completed. Once that is done, I can provide you with the Vietnamese language.

Xin vui lòng cung cấp cho tôi địa chỉ email của bạn. Sau đó tôi có thể gửi cho bạn một bảng tính mà phải được hoàn tất. Khi đã xong, tôi có thể cung cấp cho bạn với ngôn ngữ Việt Nam.


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My email address:


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Vietnamese has now been added, though it will most definitely require cleaning up.


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Hi Vader,

I just install B4A 3.0 beta and now B4A Object Browser launch, but list of library is empty.
Just to be sure I reinstall B4A 2.71 and Object Browser rework normally.



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Have you configured it to tell it where the libraries are?

Hmmm, just re-read your post. I will have to install 3.0 beta and ensure compatibility.
Last edited:


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At loading, I see reading progress at the bottom, Class list scroll bar move, but at the end Classes list is empty.
If I click on Help / About / Library button, I see correct list of library.
So seems to be display bug.


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Sorry guys, I didn't get the email for the beta, so I can't test it.


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Hi Vader, I am trying your program on Windows 7 64 bits but does not work (it opens, but after configured is blank)... any idea?


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I developed it in Windows 8 64 bit, so I don't think that is the issue. Are you using the Version 3 Beta?


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Ok, so I just installed the Beta. The problem is that Core.xml has changed, with additional Attributes now under the name element. Before there was only one possible element, and now there are two. I am fixing this now.


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Version has now been released. This has preliminary support for B4a 3.0. Full support will be provided once the final version has been released for a few days.


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Version has now been released. This has preliminary support for B4a 3.0. Full support will be provided once the final version has been released for a few days.

Thanks Vader.

Maybe you can highlight version or hide Version
I did not realize I must update to, and it causes me a half hour.
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