Android Code Snippet [B4X] B4XOrderedMap - get first item, nth item and last item

B4XOrderedMap from B4XCollections, is a combination of a List with a Map.
Avoid calling OrderedMap.Values unless you need to access all values, as it creates and fills a new List each call.
The Keys list, on the other hand, is a list maintained by the collection and can be accessed directly.
'first item
Dim key As String = OrderedMap.Keys.Get(0) 'key type can be different
Dim value As Object = OrderedMap.Get(key)
'nth item
Dim key As String = OrderedMap.Keys.Get(n)
Dim value As Object = OrderedMap.Get(key)
'last item
Dim key As String = OrderedMap.Keys.Get(OrderedMap.Size - 1)
Dim value As Object = OrderedMap.Get(key)