Android Tutorial [B4X] "Code Smells" - common mistakes and other tips

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Few minutes ago ?:

Jorge M A

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It's very interesting @LucaMs Ms! I'm sure I'will try.
Thank you.

But I would like to see an answer from the perspective of Map, the deprecated methods .GetKeyAt, .GetValueAt, and of B4XOrderedMap.


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Is it possible to rectify cbxEngineType_SelectedIndexChangeden in the code?
(Project Attached)
Thank you.
Flip the map and use the Value portion of SelectedIndexChanged. See attached.


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Jorge M A

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Thank you, Erel.
For those interested:
Sub ComboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(Index As Int, Value As Object)
End Sub


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It is better to do it like this:
Sub ComboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(Index As Int, Value As Object)
    Dim Key As String = orderedMap.Keys.Get(Index)
    label1.Text = key
    label2.Text = orderedMap.Get(key)
End Sub
The "natural" way to get values is with the keys. Each call to OrderedMap.Values will create a new list for the values.

Jorge M A

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I get "null" value with this.
My mistake. in my case the key is Int.
Works Fine!
Sub ComboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(Index As Int, Value As Object)
    Dim Key As Int = orderedMap.Keys.Get(Index)
    label1.Text = key
    label2.Text = orderedMap.Get(key)
End Sub


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Point 12, of booleans - long non-elegant syntax is mostly for debug. How to debug without it (when result to be returned is not calculated yet) ?


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I am a very verbose person when it comes to programming, so number 8 rubs me the wrong way. I tend to gravitate to the first statement as thats the method that I am familiar with, easier for me to understand, and the only way i will ever do it. IMHO. No right or wrong way there in my opinion.

BTW this is why I cant stand C or any of those other curlybrace languages.


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I tend to gravitate to the first statement as thats the method that I am familiar with, easier for me to understand, and the only way i will ever do it.
Things evolve and mostly for good reasons. As I see it, developers should be open to learning new things. You spend a few minutes learning a new thing and you quickly get used to it.


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I gave a Like for the first part of your comment, the "verbosity", on which I agree. Smart strings, however, do not make the code less readable, quite the opposite; they are really useful and very simple to use.


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Having read this thread and reviewed some of my code I come to the conclusion that I'm in possession of a very insensible nose...

Thank you, I'm learning a lot from this!

Alexander Stolte

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That's a statement I wish I'd known sooner.
I wondered why with "SetLayoutAnimated" the label inside the layout is pulled so strangely during the animation.
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