(It is much smoother than in the above animated gif)
A cross platform custom view based on XUI and BitmapCreator. It draws a moving line over the non-transparent parts of the image.
It is done using a feature of BitmapCreator that builds a data structure with the information about non-transparent parts of the image.
The custom view should be added with the designer. You then need to call SetBitmap to set the image.
A B4J project is attached. The class is cross platform.
Depends on: XUI and BitmapCreator libraries.
In B4A you need to add this code in Activity_Resume or the animation will not be resumed when the activity is resumed:
CoolLogo1.Visible = CoolLogo1.Visible
Another example:

Facebook Shimmer effect for Android
Has anyone created a B4A library for the Facebook Shimmer effect? https://facebook.github.io/shimmer-android/ An easy way to apply this during any UI loading would be great for providing user feedback (unfortunately library creation is above my skill set!)

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