The attached class allows you to evaluate mathematical expressions with support for custom functions.
It is compatible with B4A, B4J and B4i.
Note that if you are using it with B4A then call Eval after Activity_Create completes (you can add Sleep(0) instead). Otherwise the Function event will not be raised.
V2.01 - Fixes an issue with sub-expressions converted to scientific notation (which is not supported).
V2.00 - adds support for custom functions.
It is compatible with B4A, B4J and B4i.
Sub AppStart (Args() As String)
Dim e As B4XEval
e.Initialize(Me, "Eval")
Log(e.Eval("1 + Min(2, Max(-4, 1), 6)"))
Log(e.Eval("-(2+5)*(7-3) + Sin(15 + 15) + Cos(30)"))
Log("Error? " & e.Error)
Log(1.321/-2/3.123 + (2 * 2 + 3) + 4)
Log(e.Eval("1.321/-2/3.123 + (2 * 2 + 3) + 4"))
End Sub
'custom functions implementation
Sub Eval_Function (Name As String, Values As List) As Double
Select Name 'it will be lower case
Case "min"
Dim d As Double = Values.Get(0)
For Each n As Double In Values
If n < d Then d = n
Return d
Case "max"
Dim d As Double = Values.Get(0)
For Each n As Double In Values
If n > d Then d = n
Return d
Case "sin"
Return SinD(Values.Get(0))
Case Else
Log("Invalid function: " & Name)
Dim e As B4XEval = Sender
e.Error = True
Return 0
End Select
End Sub
Note that if you are using it with B4A then call Eval after Activity_Create completes (you can add Sleep(0) instead). Otherwise the Function event will not be raised.
V2.01 - Fixes an issue with sub-expressions converted to scientific notation (which is not supported).
V2.00 - adds support for custom functions.
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