I am not sure if this has been posted in the past but I though of an implementation which would be useful to a lot of us. Here is how it hit me:
I was trying to debug something with the incredible tool by
@moster67 (B4XIDEViewer) and I have two build configurations. DEVELOPMENT and PRODUCTION.
In the DEVELOPMENT configuration I can insert the codeblocks needed which are not used in the PRODUCTION build configuration. The problem is that in both configurations
I have to tick and untick the B4XIDEViewer library so I though an implentation like the following which according to the build configuration would load or not a library:
This can be included in the project properties place on top of the main module.
#LocalLibraryInclude: B4XIDEViewer
The "#LocalLibraryInclude" can also be included by dragging and droping the library from the libraries...